Sisters of Death

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Sisters of Death
Abbreviation: none
Group Numbers: not published
Leadership: Sisters Elissavet, Corinne and Mary Elephant
Goals: Work directly with Cobra to dominate the world!
Recruitment Policy: By Special Invitation Only
Contact: The talk page here or the Cobra forum

Who Are We?

Sisters of Death (formerly the Sisters of Divine Mercy) are a Special Operations Team made up of Nuns that were seduced by the Dark Side after the fall of Malton. The "Sisters of Death" are directly affiliated with Cobra.

Because of the technical and tactical value of these specially trained individuals, each member of this Cobra Special Operations Team works as a lone assassin, or in conjunction with other members of Cobra. The Sisters never operate in close proximity with one another.

Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Cobra has PKed 346 people.


Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Sisters of Death has PKed 85 people.

Hail Cobra!

What do we do?

We kill people.

Why do we do it?

Sometimes for good reason, sometimes just for fun.

Trench coat.jpg Anti-Trenchcoater
This user finds people with 20 shotguns and katanas to be obnoxious.

Policies Supported

Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user or group supports the Honor Among Thieves Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when only innocents suffer.
Template created by Tohrurokuno 9 Jan 08 Friends Don't Let Friends Zerg
This user and/or group is opposed to the use of Zergs and multiple character abuse, and reserve the right to publicly humiliate those who do.
Killer.jpg Report Bounty Hunters
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery.

Our Templates

Slashernun.jpg Sisters of Death
"username" was lovingly PKed by

The Sisters of Death
