Castle Irregulars

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A loose group (ie, half of the participants didn't realise they were in the Castle Irregulars) who met by chance in Borehamwood's Chidzey Road Garage while arguing about whether or not zombs through the windscreen were covered by the AA, and who subsequently adopted The Castle as their local, a disreputable pub which has slightly improved through wrecking.

Likely to offer you a bag of crisps, or if devoid of crisps to ask you for some crisps.

Current group numbers

Six. No, wait, fi -- four. No, hang on. Run for it!


Given all of the Castle Irregulars have perished valiantly in crushing sieges, hurling themselves into the maw of doom blasting eighteen or twenty zombs with fistfuls of guns in each hand and heroic defiance on each lip, except one who managed to open a door in his face twice and ran away a lot with nearly complete success, it's probably time for a bag of crisps.

Castle Jukebox

Currently disbursing unjoyment to zomb patrons with the funkstoundingly inappropriate sci-fi disco covers of Tring Presents Space Themes Redux (