User:Justinbronze/Project 07391 Journal logs

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You have located stored memory files from the NecroTech super-computer Necrotech Artificial Technology Electro Storage Core, or N.A.T.E SC. I contain all background information from NecroTech, as well as Memory Storage Files from Necrobot 4.7, A.L.I.C.E's Main Visual Programming Core, and NecroTech's Phone Mast-Visual Satellite Up-link. I have put together a journal based on other journal's scanned by these things. It will take time for me to completely upload all journal files. Right now 7.3% of journal files have been uploaded.

January 26, 2009

This is a Sound Recording, picked up by A.L.I.C.E's Main Visual Programming Core using a high pitched frequency to take the recording from the recorder of which it was in.

This is Jonathan Davisson, I am currently on top of the Self Hotel in Heytown, Waiting for an External Military Report chopper to fly overhead. My plan is to wait 'till I hear or see a EMR chopper coming. I will then quickly climb the Cell Phone Mast, and grab onto it. I'll try to hold on until i'm over the quarantine barrier, if I can, 'till we land.


February 1, 2009

This is a continuation of a Sound Recording, picked up by A.L.I.C.E's Main Visual Programming Core using a high pitched frequency to take the recording from the recorder of which it was in.

I hear a chopper coming, i'm going to climb the tower know............. I'm at the top. I see the chopper coming........YES! I'm on.......The military has lifted me into the chopper. What they have told me confirms my suspicions, (--static--) is behind the zombie plague. How evil could they be, starting a zombie plague, and then issuing a Directive to make those poor geeks stay behind. The zombie virus started in Ridleybank, but nobody knows how. We have a confirmed location of the building in which the zombie thing started. it started in the Blac..(--Static--)..ore Building. Military Personel: HEY! NO VOICE RECORDERS ON THE CHOPPER!

....End Transmission.....

December 24, 2008

This is text scanned from a journal retrieved by Necrobot 4.7.

I am Fredric Lootour, I am in Santlerville, holed up in the local Mall. I have all the supplies I need so far. The local Phone Mast is up, and as lon as it is, I know i'm safe. All corners of the mall are powered. We have a radio transceiver in the neighboring corner. I am going to text my wife, she is holed up in Locketteside, I will be right back.(--Later--)I wish we could be together for Christmas, but Ridleybank is between us, and I want to get to her alive. We have lights and a tree set up in my corner. What was that? I'm have to go check that out. (--Later--) A generator just ran out of fuel. It's back on now. It's getting late. I'm going to go to bed.

December 25,2008

I keep trying to text my wife, but it won't go through. The cell tower must be down. (--Later--) A scout just told us to all pack up and leave. A huge horde is coming from the east. They already took down the cell tower. the Hall Building might be down too.(--Later--) ZOMBIES GOT IN! Luckily, they are in NE, i'm in SE. (--Later--) They tore down the barricades, I am leaving.

December 26,2008

I am holed up in Huntley Heights. I don't know the name of the building. But it should be safe. I-, I just heard a smash, and now groaning. (--Later--) About 15 minutes ago, a zombie got in. It bit me, and I must be infected. I got it out, but I don't have much time.I love you Glenda. I love

The rest of the page is torn, and the rest of the book soaked in blood.

March 3, 2009

This is a video recording taken from a video camera by Necrobot 4.7.

My name is Aaron Wryveln. I am stuck in Ridleybank. I am in the building that contains the suburb's Phone Mast. I can hear them. They are attacking the building's every surface. I am trying to bust the lock to the door that is keeping me from the top of the building. ( Aaron smashes the crowbar into the look 3 times.) WHY WON'T YOU OPEN YOU DAMN DOOR! Crap, my barricade is going down, it's only loosely barricaded. (Aaron smashes crowbar into the lock 5 more times, lock breaks) YES! FINALLY!. (Aaron runs upstairs, sound of doors being smashed open) SHIT! THEIR IN! (Opens door to roof.) My only chance is to climb the phone mast, and try to jump onto the roof of a neighboring building. (Aaron climbs up the phone mast) HERE GOES NOTHING! (Aaron jumps onto the building next door.) My leg hurts. (Aaron looks around) YES! This is a hospital. I can go in, search for a first aid kit, and jump the roof tops outta hear. (Aaron spends 30 minutes searching, and then applies first aid kit to his wounds.) Now to jump the roofs. (Aaron spends 1 hour roof jumping.) I'm starting to get tired. I;m one rooftop away from Pitneybank. (Aaron jumps and lands safely)

As Aaron jumps, he looses his grip on the camera and it drops to the alley below, damaging the camera, but not harming the tape inside.

March 7, 2009

The following is a video recorded by Necrobot 4.7's Z-Cam, of which was strapped to the zombie's head, and retrieved.

Harman! (The zombie is staring at a survivor he has cornered, the survivor is a scientist, and in turn has no weapons.) Please no, GOD HELP ME! GRAGGG! BRAINZZZZ!!!!!(Zombie lunges at the survivor, biting him first, to ensure infection, the rest f the attack is claw attacks.) OH MY GOD! HELP MY ANYONE, IT HURTS! OH MY GOD THE PAIN! KILL ME NOW! HEL...(The survivor falls down, dead.)Ded Harman, brainz grrrrrggrg. (the survivor stands up, obviously dead.) Z-Survivor: MrH? Zombie:Harmanzzz(The zombie sniffs the air.) Harmanzzz fo bloks soth.(The zombie moves for blocks south, taking him to The Hall Building.) Barcades! (the zombie spends an hour hacking away at the barricades, until none are left, then opens the doors.) 'HARMANZ GIV ME BRAINZ!!!! (there are twenty survivors inside, the building is powered, and a radio transceiver is set up. 12 Survivors are sleeping in the main room, the other 8 are in labs with the doors closed. the zombie then bites all the sleeping survivors, and claw attacks each one to death, but does so as silent as possible, and doesn't wake any up.) Dor Harmanzz! (The ombie open the first 5 lab doors, biting, infecting, and then clawing to death those inside.) HARMAN! (The zombie opens the door to find a survivor in a pentagram, circled by candles. In the survivors effort to escape, some of the candles are knocked down,and the survivor catches on fire. The survivor then run nex door, where the 2 last scientists are. 5 minutes pass before the building is smoking. The zombie does not make it out of the building.)

...End Transmission...

March 23, 2009

This is a video recorded by a surviving policeman who used a scientist to hack into A.L.I.C.E's Main Visual programming Core.

Hello, whoever sees this. I used a scientist to hack into A.L.I.C.E so I could use her visual recorder to tape what might be my final moments. I picked A.L.I.C.E because there are rumors her main computer is located outside the quarantine zone, so if I record this, some out there might here it. My name is Jonathan Prap, Chief of Bagehot Police Department in Pashenton. Everyone in the precinct calls me Mr.Prap. Pashenton is clear right now, but me and everyone here are moving to Tolman Power Station. Why? Because we were turning through frequencies, picking up nothing but static, and I don't quite remember what we were tuned to, but someone said: "Attention survivors of Malton, this is the Emergency Broad..Static..ast System. I am reporting from the Coram Building. Right now I'm the only person here, but soon I'll be dead, 50 zombies outside, barricades loosing strength. Anyway, anyone that wants to get out of Malton, go to Tolman Power Station, there are rumors of an underground tunnel leading out of Malton, under the Quarantine Zone. There is also rumors that an underground tunnel in Krinks power Station leads to Tolman. Hurry!" We are all packing up. We don't know how we will stop the zombies from following us out of Malton, but we will find a way. Maybe Titanium, reinforced steel concrete doors can be accessed and closed to cut the tunnel off. People that live in Tolman say they here a muffled alarm-beeping every Sunday at midnight. I have concluded that the alarm-beeping they hear is the tunnel door opening, and then closing later soundlessly. It gives a scope of time, and we know it starts at midnight, but no idea when it ends.We will be leavings in 3 days. Bye until then.


March 26, 2009

We are leaving now. I have a few minutes to talk while they are removing the barricades so we can leave. Looks like maybe 5 or 6 other buildings in Pashenton hear the news too. Three of those other buildings agreed to travel with us. The scientist that I had hack into A.L.I.C.E is hooking up a remote so that A.L.I.C.E will come on in Tolman when we get there. barricades are down, got to go.


April 11, 2009

We barely made it to Tolman. My techy science guy died. So did 2 of the 3 buildings traveling with us. They died because we all agreed to travel south through Santlerville so we could stop in Heytown to get more supplies and gather more people. We didn't get to make the stop because all the zombies from Santlerville followed us to Heytown. Once we were in Pitneybank we were safe for awhile. They caught back up to us in Pegton, but we made it to Tolman. We arrived 2days ago, but I forgot about the remote until now. The zombies are starting to gather outside. Today is Sunday though, and at midnight, which is in 3 minutes, the door will open and we will escape. (Three minutes pass silently ) A alarm-like beeping is heard. Survivor: LET'S GO! Ok, we are about to escape. (2 minutes are spent looking) Ok, we are still looking. I am moving to the power room, where power was generated. GUYS! I FOUND THE DOOR! IT'S HEAR IN THE POWER ROOM!(People start arriving in the power room) Survivor: Barricades are at light, we got 2 minutes before zombie town. Ok, lets get in! (Survivors all run into the tunnel, a creak and moaning is heard) HURRY! (Zombies are seen shambling behind, 1 survivor is grabbed) ALMOST THERE! (all survivors make it into a control room, zombies close behind) PRAP, GO HOOK A.L.I.C.E UP TO THE CONTROLS! (Mr.Prap then moves towards the main control board, hooking A.L.I.C.E up to it while the survivors hold the zombies back with gunfire.) HURRY UP PRAP! (A.L.I.C.E. then emits a loud beeping noise, she must be hooked up, visual is lost but sounds are still heard.) YES! The doors are closing!, Jonathan, what are the doors made of? 6 foot thick titanium reinforced with steel! That will do the trick. (A.L.I.C.E is unhooked from the control panel once the door is fully closed, visual comes back on.) Now, how do we get out of here?(Everyone starts feeling around the wall) Survivor:I found a door blending in with the wall. (All survivors exit through the door) Hey, this is the subway. (the survivors walk up the steps of the subway, which opens up to a bright, fully populated, zombie-free London,England.)

End Transmission