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Player Tactics
The information on this page or section discusses a player strategy.
Your life.JPG

What is P.O.O.P.?

P.O.O.P. is an effort to unite everyone in Urban Dead to carry out mass whining through the use of the following viral message:

Copy this to your profile. Spread the word in game and out. - PUBBIES OPENLY OBJECT PATHETICALLY - Take a giant P.O.O.P. on Malton. barhah.com

As with any effective virus it contains within itself the information to be replicated by the host, "Copy this to your profile. Spread the word in game and out". The plug for barhah.com is meant to further coordinate P.O.O.P. tactics.

Why Should I P.O.O.P.?

A Harman Scientist cries because The Dead killed him

Scientists at the Malton Institute of Greater Learning have discovered that the revive syringe can't stop them from being killed from The Dead in the game, despite its ability to increase the number of survivors in the game.

In fact, it costs more AP on average for someone to suddenly P.O.O.P. than it does for a combat maxed harman to quit whining and run away from zombies.

Please examine the following mathematical mathyness, where 8AP is the average for finding a revive syringe in the dark, 10AP is the cost of using it and 20 AP is the average for a zombie to kill a 35HP survivor using optimal tactics.

20AP - [8AP + 10AP] = Profit.

You will find that I have no idea what I am talking about.

The AP disparagy that exists between crying and running away from mass quantities of zombies is even greater for PKers, who must eventually run away from zombies in order not to die.

Why Will it Work?

Because I said so

Most Players Prefer to Play as Survivors

Because playing the game like a real survivor has been seen as a "taboo" for much of UD history, generally people play as survivors willingly, rather than by force. New players identify with survivors as a result of movies and the fact that they are most likely humans to begin with. They are turned into zombies against their will, and then seek to become survivors again. This is in due part to them doing it wrong.

Over the long history of harman prominence, the ratio has favored survivors from as much as 65% of the whole. Therefore, the strong majority of players prefer to be survivors. When mass reviving all of Malton, the majority of revived targets will continue to aide our cause actively.

If we spread our viral message whilst reviving, then more players will begin to P.O.O.P. all over the place, and the "human virus" will spread as efficiently and obnoxiously as our message, converting all of Malton into smelly humanity.

Some players Don't

Screw 'em. Eventually the "true balance" between die-hard zambahs and everyone else will be found, at which point it will no longer be AP efficient to P.O.O.P. In the mean time there is plenty of room for improvement.

How Can I Help?

Helping as a survivor

Spread the viral message

Put it in BOTH of your profiles, zombie and human. Always speak the message before making a revive. This is especially effective in front of large-crowds, whether living or dead. Broadcast it over the radio. If you are a member of a group, promote the idea on your group message boards.

In short time the idea will spread throughout Malton and revives will become the default motivation for all of its citizens.


The whole point of the message is to get people to e-mail Kevan and bitch. Of course every player will adopt this to their own preferences. Some may choose to grief brainstock, while others may opt to selectively complain to other players.

In the end, it is not necessarily incorrect to bitch randomly, enraging certain blow-hards and delighting others. The idea is to spread humanity like a virus, infecting all of Malton with those pesky updates which can be obtained from bitching to Kevan.

Get zombie skills

You should have lurching gait and ankle grab as a minimum. If you P.O.O.P. everywhere, you will find yourself playing as a zombie from time to time. No big deal. Make it easy for yourself to stand up and carry on, there's still plenty to do from the other side of the grave.

Helping as a zambah

Spread the viral message

Put it in your profile. Go up to crowds of other zombies, or survivors and say "Grrh." They will check your profile and see the message.

Be a pain in the ass

Cry like a four year old on forums and shamble off. This serves two purposes:

1) It is annoying

2) It causes other players to waste their free time yelling at you, leaving less time to play. It also promotes a general atmosphere of "every player for him/her self", while trained P.O.O.P. artists concentrate on retarded logic.

Get survivor skills

If you've never played as a survivor before and you'd like to help, start bitching like a five year old who wants ice cream. There are other skills you may enjoy, but that's all you really need to take a huge P.O.O.P.

Wait, isn't this annoying against other people's wishes?

Yes. But who cares?

Tactical Concerns

Start at the NT buildings

Clear them out with spammed messages that link to the wiki. Read the rest of this article to see how to deal with logical players. Don't worry about logic, just complain. Survivors need to stop thinking about running and start thinking about taking a P.O.O.P.

Work in groups

The group doesn't have to be organized, they just need to share the same understanding as you - concentrate on bitching. Don't worry about angering any potential targets. Mass amounts of spamming and complaining will work

Understanding Parachuting

When clearing a forum it might be useful to temporarily add your e-foes to your stalk and kill list. Why settle for online idiot when you can escalate it to murder?

You don't have to worry about confronting your enemies directly. Online proxies allow you to hide behind an internet condom that masks your identity, you little pussy.

Understanding PKers

While a PKer can go on a killing spree unlike any other kind of player in Urban Dead, it is important to remember that the spree itself is the result of many days worth of actual planning, a word not found in the survivor dictionary. Therefore if you P.O.O.P. on someone and they argue logic, you should ignore them since logic is your kryptonite. For an average of 18 hours a day you or your friends can be annoying, serving up another piping hot bowl of P.O.O.P.