User:Henry Baltimore/Sandbox

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Representatives from the following groups took part in this event:

Brotherhood of the Reckoning · Browncoats · Cobra · Columbine Kids · Legends of Darkness · Philosophe Knights · RDD · Red Rum · Spartans



Who's doing this?
PKA, associates and anyone else who wants to hunt humans...

Kill everyone we see that night.

Recruitment Policy:
1. Be a PKer.
2. Be willing to slaughter every soul in the Mall.
3. Only one PKer per player.

Dowdney Mall, Santlerville

When: Sunday Nov. 1, 2009

Coverage of the Event:
Any screenshot of the whole event goes here

These poems were read aloud just prior to the celebration.


In the times of yore, the Celtic peoples of the British Isles celebratedHalloween a very different way. Instead of candy and costumes there was vast amounts of feasting, harvest, and huge fires. Livestock were slaughtered and preserved in preparation for winter, people and livestock were purified by fire, and vast pagan worship was observed. Today, the world has commercialized and bastardized glorious Samhain. To cleanse the sacred day of Samhain, we have slaughtered in Dowdney Mall, Santerville and given back to the glorious pagan gods on NOV 1 of 2009. Bonfires were lit that night and the festivities were merry. The participants used the flames of these fires to light their own individual hearths from a common flame, thus bonding our families together for a stronger future.

List 'O Sacrifices

The following lost souls were offered up to the spirits of Samhain.

  1. x pyration x 2 killed by D4rkness.
  2. buckshot roberts killed by D4rkness.
  3. Bort Sampson killed by Blanemcc.
  4. Harakiri killed by Blanemcc.
  5. Gastonguay killed by Blanemcc.
  6. Wil Truman killed by Blanemcc.
  7. Noneofyourbuisness killed by ninjalover.
  8. Benno the scout killed by ninjalover.
  9. Hugo McFly killed by The Dancing Potatoe.
  10. Dead Flyboy killed by tom1994.
  11. George Martin killed by urbanslayer.
  12. Vieva killed by urbanslayer.
  13. McTread killed by Annabell Leigh.
  14. James Woods Jr killed by NoxNictus.
  15. Colette Whitney killed by NoxNictus.
  16. Vaab killed by NoxNictus.
  17. Pwner o god killed by Edward Katanahands.
  18. Phat Beats killed by Edward Katanahands.
  19. Kasahara killed by Edward Katanahands.
  20. Tybrush Ghreepwood killed by madwench.
  21. Kohna Meriday killed by madwench.
  22. Private Mattfire killed by Sarcophilius harrisii.
  23. Shunt McHurtingly killed by Sarcophilius harrisii.
  24. Pablo Picaso killed by Terror Kitty.
  25. Laura Black killed by Terror Kitty.
  26. MrKatt killed by Terror Kitty.
  27. Clint Walsh killed by Unhappydisgustingwow.
  28. Charlie Chase killed by Unhappydisgustingwow.
  29. Dr Hugo Z Hackenbush killed by Unhappydisgustingwow.
  30. Lyandhi killed by Unhappydisgustingwow.
  31. Cranberry Pie killed by Unhappydisgustingwow.
  32. doktorr killed by Criminally Insane.
  33. bubblykiss killed by Criminally Insane.
  34. Vladimir von Pumpkin killed by Criminally Insane.
  35. CexCells killed by Criminally Insane.
  36. Kilenee killed by dave138.
  37. HDave killed by dave138.
  38. lukeouTT killed by dave138.
  39. MercerUniversity killed by Fred Costello.
  40. JonVendetta killed by Fred Costello.
  41. sparky1558 killed by Fred Costello.
  42. sparky1550 killed by Kalei.
  43. Mondo Heat killed by Kalei.
  44. DeadFacehugger killed by Matt Aries.
  45. Andrew Eden killed by Perzeus.
  46. Vincent Rabe killed by Thomas Hayne Cutbush.
  47. Dimitri Silentsoul killed by Thomas Hayne Cutbush.
  48. Jebediah Twill killed by unknown.
  49. heldarin killed by unknown.
  50. unknown killed by unknown.
  51. unknown killed by unknown.
  52. Petros killed by unknown.
  53. Harlan Bynes killed by Andrew Tsai.
  54. dragonfly3450 killed by Andrew Tsai.
  55. Jason Petrovic killed by Andrew Tsai.
  56. Nonsensequiter killed by Andrew Tsai.
  57. crotchpunter killed by Axeman Jack.
  58. Psychout killed by Axeman Jack.
  59. PokaJam killed by Axeman Jack.
  60. Alastair Reynolds killed by bobby pegleg.
  61. Spider Bishop killed by BrotherMcBeaner.
  62. unknown killed by DevoraccaroveD.
  63. unknown killed by DevoraccaroveD.
  64. Apocalypse Christ killed by Dr Eirin Yagokoro.
  65. The Psychopath killed by Dr Eirin Yagokoro.
  66. Harry Bollox killed by Dr Eirin Yagokoro.
  67. kenneth pinyan killed by Elliot Anderson.
  68. Taisho killed by Elliot Anderson.
  69. Echo Nelson killed by Elliot Anderson.
  70. Teremy Jeoh killed by Elliot Anderson.
  71. Gun Cam killed by Head Mistress.
  72. Robert Wriedt killed by Kieran Light.
  73. RDevil3 killed by Kieran Light.
  74. ThorgHungry killed by Kieran Light.
  75. Thatguy59 killed by Kieran Light.
  76. Christopher Collins killed by Kieran Light.
  77. modernrevolutionary killed by Le Penseur.
  78. Happy Jutjaw killed by Letitia.
  79. Serpent Knight killed by Letitia.
  80. Drake Gills killed by Master Steerpike.
  81. unknown killed by Officer Sam Jackson.
  82. Cow0160girl killed by Spike Nelson.
  83. Murry Katzenbaum killed by Spike Nelson.
  84. sc4r3cr0w killed by Spike Nelson.
  85. slackerami killed by The Brigand.
  86. CoolDude7up killed by The Brigand.
  87. Creeck killed by the Reverand Cyanide.
  88. James Van Zandt killed by xern.
  89. mikedav17 killed by Bunx2.
  90. Stratus Phear killed by Bunx2.
  91. sparky1557 killed by Bunx2.
  92. Vinny Marciano killed by Julian Linair.
  93. Buster Witwicky killed by Skull Grin.
  94. My Name is Dizzle killed by Skull Grin.
  95. Jake the Engineer killed by Slip RDD.
  96. SFC Upchurch killed by Slip RDD.
  97. Hytseraph killed by Slip RDD.
  98. Onco killed by Slip RDD.
  99. CKNO3S killed by Teralynn.
  100. barzarkahr killed by Kelly Underwood.
  101. Met Fan killed by Suburban Ed.
  102. DJ Talent killed by Suburban Ed.
  103. urmumma killed by toothdecay.
  104. Justin Scott killed by toothdecay.
  105. Gideon Nisbet killed by Ben Harding.
  106. mixco02 killed by Ben Harding.
  107. BigGonad killed by Bonus McManus.
  108. Kyoteey killed by Buster Witwicky.
  109. Shakawkaw killed by DJ Talent.
  110. Cap'n Cold Sore killed by Kilenee.
  111. Ronnon killed by noobermenschen.

bobby pegleg ruins the final corner of Dowdney Mall.

Spirit Skull.gif Trick-or-Treat
This user trick-or-treated at Dowdney Mall, Nov 1st 2009.
{{Samhain Slaughter 3}}
790059786 s-1-.gif Trick-or-Treat
This user trick-or-treated at Dowdney Mall, Nov 1st 2009.
{{Samhain Slaughter3}}