
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 16:44, 11 March 2011 by Spiderzed (talk | contribs) (Someone will kill me for that :P)
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Animatedjosh.peg.png ♥ ZOMG Josh Cwawk ♥
This user weally weally WUVS Josh Cwawk and CWAVES to get punished by him one day *giggle*

Until that day, she is wimited to watching Xtweme Zone and sighing wongingly at evewy appeawance of that rugged daredevil *sigh*



To include this largebox on your page, simply copy and paste the following code onto your page:


which produces

Animatedjosh.peg.png ♥ ZOMG Josh Cwawk ♥
This user weally weally WUVS Josh Cwawk and CWAVES to get punished by him one day *giggle*

Until that day, she is wimited to watching Xtweme Zone and sighing wongingly at evewy appeawance of that rugged daredevil *sigh*

Name Variable

This largebox takes one variable to optionally set the name of the user/group, otherwise defaulting to "This user", "This group or "This user or group" as appropriate:


which produces

Animatedjosh.peg.png ♥ ZOMG Josh Cwawk ♥
Dave weally weally WUVS Josh Cwawk and CWAVES to get punished by him one day *giggle*

Until that day, she is wimited to watching Xtweme Zone and sighing wongingly at evewy appeawance of that rugged daredevil *sigh*

Rapsheet Variable

This template takes a second variable to optionally link to the RG rap-sheet of the user, else defaulting to the RG main page:


which produces

Animatedjosh.peg.png ♥ ZOMG Josh Cwawk ♥
Kirsty weally weally WUVS Josh Cwawk and CWAVES to get punished by him one day *giggle*

Until that day, she is wimited to watching Xtweme Zone and sighing wongingly at evewy appeawance of that rugged daredevil *sigh*