
From The Urban Dead Wiki
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General Information

Welcome to my humble wiki page. I play Urban Dead whenever I am able to (which i wish was more often lol). I play as a survivor, and if found in an undead state, i would be grateful if you would be so kind as to instead of shooting me, pointing me to the nearest revive point. I will only defend myself when i have to. If i attacked you and you didnt provoke me, you most likely attacked one of my allies.

This user operates in the Support Division of the New world Order

Urban Dead Profile there is the link to my urban dead profile. I wish the limit on character descriptions was longer, but oh well. ill just post it here lol.

Name: Mark Smith Junior

Age: 19

Race: Cherokee Indian/Italian

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Defining Features: Tattoo on his right arm of a graveyard with his deceased Fiancee's name; Kaitlyn Renee Smith, on the most prominent tombstone.

Biography: Mark Smith was born in Waco, TX. Before moving to Malton with his fiancee and young daughter, he lived in the relatively quiet town of Travelers Rest. When he moved to Malton, at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Malton National Guard, where he learned how to use firearms and work with other people. When the outbreak happened, he was caught unprepared and suffered for it. His daughter, Isabella Smith, went missing and his fiancee, Kaitlyn Smith, died and turned. In his grief, he abandoned the National Guard and went off alone for a period of time. Then, his life changed. He stumbled upon a group that was willing to help him find his missing daughter. The New World Order, saved him from self-destructing. Now, with renewed purpose, he stalks the streets of Malton. Zombies and survivors alike both fear and respect him, for they know he will not go down without a fight.

Quote: "Don't wait for the world to recognize your greatness. Live it, and let the world catch up"

Theme Song; Hollywood Undead - Believe

Policies I support

Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This user supports the
Dual Nature Policy.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!

Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.

Swithun.PNG Religious Respect Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Religious Respect Policy
Church.png Rescue
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.