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What is your name?

I do not recall, for I have been reduced to a mere exile, but it has been brought to my attention that I am Hugh Alexandre Payens, once known as Alex, Payne, or Knight. Those days have long come and gone by, and I find a name irrelevant for myself.

When were you born?

Which birth are you referring to? I first came into life one nineteenth of April, fifty-five years ago. I die and become reborn almost every day.

Where do you come from?


Hugh Alexandre is the only (adoptive) child of a certain Francine Montmarte and Francois Payens. The Payens were essentially a family of "modern nomads", settling in one country for a year or so, before moving on to the next. It was their goal to go around the entire world. They were also gourmands, although they took their love for food to the extreme. They would immerse themselves as deeply as they could in the local "food culture", and try each and every dish that the locale had to offer. The more "strange" the food item was, they were much more likely to try it.

Their travels brought them to the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, when Alex was only slightly over 4 years old, in 1959. An old practice among the Fore people is the cannibalism of dead people's brains, in their funeral rituals. The young Alexandre wandered off from his parents for a while, to find this ritual. His curiosity having been piqued by whatever it was that the people were eating, he managed to squeeze in and take a small portion of the "feast", leaving the people unaware of even his having "crashed" into what was supposed to be an important ritual of restoring the "life force" of these deceased relatives of theirs to the Fore society, as well as himself unaware of what it was he even just ate. He formed no memory of what it exactly tasted like, or anything else about it.

The Payens soon left Papua New Guinea and traveled to the Buton Island, in Sulawesi, with the young Alex making no mention of that particular escapade, not finding it any special.

Alex's parents both died in 2007, after a fairly long life, and a happy retirement in a small town in the Indiana state, having been shot in their small cottage by an unknown suspect. It was then that Alex had joined Corruptv.gif in Corrupts.gif, after the latter had promised that joining its ranks would help him avenge his parent's death. While his parents had retired from their nomadism around the early 90's, Alex continued to travel around the world until having joined Corrupts.gif. He was one of the personnel within its Bureau of Transparency (BuTrans, or D-10,) responsible for ensuring that local governments are transparent with their dealings and policies. While performing his duties in the Bureau majority of the time, he also snuck in some moments to gather information on who would have possibly killed his parents, along with a host of other aged couples within that area (caveat: fictional event) of Indiana, between the years 2004 to 2008.

5 years later, and his search for justice remains futile. With corruption having made its way into Corrupts.gif, he is discouraged, having pondered leaving after the organization had destroyed its original dogma. Corruptv.gif, however, convinced him to stay, with the premise that they were to destroy Corrupts.gif from the inside, by doing their very job -- revealing the truth and demanding transparency from Corrupts.gif, itself. To relieve his stress, he had begun to take a liking for watching movies in his spare time, specifically re-watching Knights of the Round Table, along with other movies and shows that dealt with medieval knights. Around the same time, he had taken a slight interest in psychology, avidly reading about various mental disorders. It was around this time when the ataxia HAB GANNAH Corruptb.gif

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Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Alexandre has PKed 12 people.
Hypnotease.jpg Amnesia
Kaga.jpg Allez Cuisine!
Alexandre believes that brains are a delicacy and should be treated as such.
Cthulhuplushshrunk6qb.jpg Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, Alexandre waits dreaming.
Soylent.png Soylent
Alexandre adds soylent when cooking.
Union Flag.png The English Language?
Sorry guys I'm not very good at it.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
Alexandre is a zombie and proud of it.
Alexandre Payens