The Empire

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The Empire
Group Numbers: 3
Leadership: The Emperor
Goals: Bring peace and order to each suburb in Malton and make sure zombies know their place
Recruitment Policy: Be a human
Contact: Join the forum and say so, or let me know in-game


| The Empire's Forum

General Infortmation

The Empire was officially founded on May 10, 2007. After hiding out for several weeks, a lone survivor handed over leadership to his former group for an indefinite amount of time to a fellow member and headed out on his own for a while. Seeing the chaos embittered city and his former suburb, Grigg Heights, declared red, he decided to do something about it. The Empire is opened to all people and classes. It's suggeted to get free running as fast as possible before joining.

The Imperial Decree

For two years, death and chaos have wreaked havoc upon Malton and its surviving citizens. Countless groups have sprung up from the ashes of the ensuing killings following the rise of the zombie outbreak. Then their are the betrayors: humans who have turned against their own and killed other survivors in cold blood.

Tiring of the violent chaos, a lone survivor has decided to step up bring a New Malton Order. The result was the founding of The Empire, a new survivor organization dedicated to bringing back to life those killed by evil zombies and PKers.

Today, justice and peace will slowly return to Malton.

Stuff We're Against

  1. Hostile zombies (aka non-revive wanting zombies)
  2. Unwarranted PKing (as in we kill PKers)
  3. GKers and RKers
  4. Zombie spies


These are the current ranks. (Note: These are likely to be updated over time as the Empire grows and whatnot)

  1. Emperor: The leader of the Empire
  2. Grand General: The second highest rank and second in command of the Empire. This is appointed
  3. General: The leader and top ranking officer in each suburb.
  4. Colonel: Those of this rank are the leaders of the units.
  5. Lieutenant: The people of this rank are second in command for each unit
  6. Sergeant: Members of this rank will be given specific tasks to do until promotion
  7. Stormtrooper: The common, lowest rank soldier of the Empire. Those with these ranks are often low level players who don't have many skills and are sent out to carry out missions first hand (such as DNA scanning zombies at revive points for example). Regardless, new members always start out at this rank.

Active Missions

  1. Battle of Grigg Heights

Grigg Heights is currently listed as a red suburb with a known zombie group and possible PKers working in the area. Being that this was the Emperor's home suburb, it's time to bring order back to the area and make sure revives get there.

Date Commenced: May 11, 2007


May 10, 2007: The Empire is founded
May 11, 2007: The search begins for members to form the first unit.
May 18, 2007: The Empire has made its way into Grigg Heights, secured the NT lab for a short time, and revived several standing zombies at Riddles Place. The recruitment continues to establish a firm Imperial presence in the area and take it as our own
June 7, 2007: The Empire continues running revives in Grigg Heights while looking for recruits.