The Ridleybank Resistance Front/Rules and Policies

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The Constables Gore Corps Rules/Policies Join us!
 Horde Numbers 

Recruitment Policy

1. Be a zombie
2. Join our Discord server


· Petrosjko
· Sonny
· Patrucio
· Murray Jay Suskind
· Lord Moloch
· Johnny Bass
· Globule 13
· Jadkor
· Irishmen
· Funk McBogey

The War Council

· 70758552
· Charles Freck
· Cthulhu In Lingerie
· Ironic Sponge Tissue
· ZambahDrawde
· Two Headed Sex Beast

The Ridleybank Resistance Front is famous for its collective sense of fair play and the banning of illegal tactics, such as alt-abuse and zerging.

Rules regarding alts...

  1. Never, ever specifically coordinate your alts to individually help out the RRF.
  2. Any alts must be kept at least 10 blocks away from your RRF character, with at least 24 hours of time between moving one of your characters within 10 blocks of where your alt has been.
  3. If you have an alt in an organized group who is either being ordered to an area where the RRF is, or the RRF is going to where your other organized group is, you must choose to play with one or the other until the groups have parted ways. If playing against the RRF with an alt for a time, it's considered fair to not use our IRC channels and forum until the two sides are no longer engaged.


  1. Newer members who may be overwhelmed by horde life and may have missed these rules will be given one warning and asked to read the policies.
  2. Senior members who violate these rules will be given a very stern warning, and if merited, will no longer be welcomed in the RRF.
  3. Outright zerging (two alts in the same area hitting with the RRF) by anyone will result in getting kicked out of the RRF and a pantsing.

Metagame Tools

As an online game, there are many a tool that allow people to do most anything they want to in the game. This is a quick rundown of things so that people understand how the RRF feels about these things.

  1. Tools that aid information organization and sorting while you're playing are just fine.
  2. Information gleaned from public metagame sources are also fine and dandy.
  3. Any and all bots that automatically do anything in-game are not, under any circumstances, allowed.
  4. "Scouting tools" are to never, ever be used by members of the RRF. This goes for scouting tools that automatically register where certain players are, what the barricade status of buildings are, what the status of buildings are, etc.

We take pride in doing our own work in the RRF. A good rule of thumb is if something automatically performs a game function for you or automatically collates data from multiple sources, it's cheating.


If you wish to join the ranks of the Ridleybank Resistance Front, you can do so by joining our Discord server, where any questions can be answered.