2021 New Years Naked Run

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2021 New Years Naked Run

2020 has been a difficult year for the survivors of Malton. In an attempt to let off some steam, many survivors stripped off their clothes and ran through the streets of Ridleybank

The Malton ZooKeepers have created The First Annual, The 2021 New Years Naked Run Unofficial, Official Rules:

1) Event starts at 00:00 New Years Eve (in your time zone) and will run for 72 hours

2) Each contestant must start and finish at the Malton Zoo Aquarium

3) Everyone must set their description to “2021 Naked Runner” somewhere for the duration of the event. You are not required to actually discard the clothing you have acquired in Malton. But if you do, we won't bitch!

4) Each contestant must touch all four corners of Ridleybank, and every building or block shown in yellow on the enclosed map. This year's run is the “Ridleybank Hospital Tour” where you will be exposed to every known disease on the planet, as well as risking imminent zombification!

5) The route taken is up to the runner, but all checkpoints must be reached.

6) In order to prove you have visited each checkpoint, you must take a screenshot of yourself in the map square as well as the start/end point and post them to this Discord[1].

7) Additional “Bragging Points” will be awarded for tagging buildings with the Zookeeper Discord link, swatting zombies with newspapers, etc and healing other runners. Make sure you screenshot this to prove your Bragging Rights!

8) DA NAH HARM THE ZAMBAHZ!! We don't want to risk (another) war.

9) There will be no prizes awarded for coming in first (or last, or for anything else) but if you return dead you risk public humiliation.

10) After-party and Awards Ceremony will be in the Aquarium.

11) Have fun, be safe, don't die!


2021 New Years Naked run map.png

Award Winners:

Liam McFlear-Malton Civil Defense Unit Banksy in Resistance Award

Llamatron-The Malton Zookeepers The One Who Forgot to File the Permits Award

Jay Gorman-The Fortress Slapstick Comedian Award

Kevin Turvey-The Fortress Unembellished Run Award

Belmond-The Malton Zookeepers Taunter in Chief Award and Trail Blazer Award

          • -****** Slappy The Squirrel Award

All runners can use the Template:2021 New Years Naked Runner

21NYNRTemplate.png Leaving 2020 Behind
This user was a runner in the 2021 New Years Naked Run