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New description

Fort Perryn: The bone of contention of Whittenside

Since the first successful conquest in May 2006, Fort Perryn's crumbling ruins have been the closest thing the Feral Undead might have to an HQ, going that far as to refer to it as Fort Feral.
Keeping their grubby claws on it serves not only to deny the fort's convenient resources and defenses to breathing visitors of the FU homeland. Keeping it under undead control serves even more so as a highly visible symbol of FU's claim on the whole suburb of Whittensdie.
Undead visitors may want to visit this prominent and history-laden structure to soak up some of the local history, and to do their bit to keep it in the ruined state it is.
Breathing visitors are welcome as well, as long as they don't act rude - such as by revivifying or attacking the landlords. Or even going as far as dumping their headshot corpses like trash and then pushing tables in front of the door to deny them access to their own homes.
Breathing visitors also should do their best to entertain their undead hosts, whether as singers, as story-tellers or (preferably) as chew toys.

At the same time, there's never a lack of survivors looking for a way to reclaim Fort Feral (although those usually prefer to speak of it as Fort Perryn). Occassionally, they are successful in that and can hold it for a while.
There have been many survivor groups involved into the reclamation and defense of Fort Perryn throughout its history (including Fortress, Army Control Corps and Paradox), but special mention should go to Fort Perryn Defense Force, as they claim Fort Perryn as their HQ.
While zombies don't seem to be too welcome in the times when Fort Perryn is repaired and caded, PKers feel usually attracted to the bustling place the Fort turns into under breathing control.

An especially interesting time of the year for tourists to pay a visit to the Fort is during the week of the Spring Picnic, as called out anually by Feral Undead.
Zombies get a chance to work with plenty of higher-case Ferals, lower-case ferals and organized zambahs to claw their way into the premises, eat well and ransack the barns of the Fort and the surrounding area.
At the same time, survivors get to defend against an intense, exciting and historically laden siege. (Although there has yet to be an instance where survivors could withstand the Spring Picnic.)

Outdated description

Fort Perryn: The Core of Whittenside's Defense

Ccpatch fpdf.png

Historic Fort Perryn forms the centerpiece of both Whittenside’s defensive strength and its strategic vulnerability. For survivors, Fort Perryn offers protection, ammunition, medical treatment and the occasional game of naked twister. Its high walls and well-manned gatehouse keep out unwanted undead and its buildings provide most of the amenities needed to survive in an urban wasteland. On a less practical note, survivors may want to visit this site to soak up some of the local history. This building, erected in October of 1912 and named in honor of Brig. Gen. Perryn-Moore, is a testimonial to the resilience of the Whittenside citizenry. Over the years since its reactivation at the onset of the zombie outbreak, Fort Perryn has fallen to the zombie hoards time and again (usually at the hands of The Feral Undead, or FU as they are called) only to be retaken and repaired by the next wave of patriots. Fort Perryn is the headquarters of The Fort Perryn Defense Force, but all manner of Malton’s finest have graced its battlements including Bob Boberton and several other high ranking members of Fortress. While survivors clamor to walk the battlements where giants have fought and died, Zombies have been no less draw to this prominent strategic spot. As mentioned, the FU have made it a point to see that these walls never stand long, and several of their high ranking members can usually be found stalking the ample streets of Whittenside picking off stranded survivors (street treats), or piled up outside the Gatehouse of Fort Perryn chewing on the doors.