Humanity’s Saviors/organization

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humanity's saviors (HS)
Abbreviation HS
Group Numbers looking for leadership
Leadership humanity’s champion
Goals HS will do all in it power to increase the ratio of good AP users (defined as AP users that increase then number of human) to bad AP user (defined as AP usesr that increase the number of zombies). This will be achieved by the most effective use of AP (measured by human AP to do compared to zombie AP to undo.)
Recruitment Policy Register
Contact our forum
radio 27.98 MHz


The sword of humanity Humanity’s Saviors is organized somewhat differently than other groups. This is due to the fact it is an offensive group. It is set up for maximum flexibility and best reaction time. Which is why it has a simple and direct chain of command.

Humanity’s Saviors is primarily held together by the guidelines of the strategy. However it is broken down in to a set of combat cells each lead by a single cell leader who has absolute power over his cell. These cells generally have a second who acts when the cell leader fails to. HS is lead by humanity’s champion who is in charge of organization, master strategies and policy’s, and has a second. It is the job of all group members to advise their leaders.

the High court The high court is made up of 5 judges who are charged with judging their fellow humans. Their job is to guide human towards better strategies and *polices by examining the AP use of human groups. Their second task is to settle disagreements between human groups. To put power behind their words the high court will have a group of enforcers to command.


HS Organization

Goal: HS will do all in it power to increase the ratio of good AP users (defined as AP users that increase then number of human) to bad AP user (defined as AP usesr that increase the number of zombies). This will be achieved by the most effective use of AP (measured by human AP to do compared to zombie AP to undo.)

humanity’s champion:

[rise to power]

  • will be chose from the leaders of the combat cells
  • On the first of January the high court will chose Humanity’s champion
  • A Humanity’s champion can not serve as Humanity’s champion two years in a row


  • Set the objective of any combat cell.
  • approve new combat cells
  • Disband old combat cells
  • chose his second

The high court


  • will have 5 members
  • The high court will have a guard of volunteers

[rise to power]

  • 5 most supported members of the group (each member can support one other member and can change his support at any time)


  • set group policies
  • set group strategy
  • set group organization
  • give orders to its guard


  • set the revive priority of other groups

combat cell leaders

[rise to power]

  • Any member of HS can form his own combat cell


  • set their cells organization
  • set their cells operations


  • to achieve the goals set by the humanity’s champion


1) no member can hold more then one position.


HS is organized to have clear leadership so when leadership is need it existed, but its leadership most of the time should have lilted power. Leaderships only real job should be to set what we do, ideas of what we should do should come from the masses.

The internal competition between the combat cells should create the best group set up possible finding the balances between individual and institutional power. It also should push the groups to perform as those who do well will get the most members.

The many subgroups also allows HS have something for everyone no matter your style of play and degree of interest in urban dead.


PKHS2.jpghumanity's first

Humanity’s first is a group of individuals that fallow the humanity doctrine but are not organized in any way. they fallow no orders because they have made an agreement with humanity’s champion that he will give them no missions as they believed they works best on their own.

Humanity’s first is great for people who do not want to give large amounts of time or thought or just those who want to work alone or be free of commitment and people who think they are running the show.

[learn more]

300 small.gifSpartans

We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known."

Spartans are baptized in the fire of combat. We are the main attack groups in Urban Dead. Our dream is to die to die a perfect death on the battlefield. We are the soldiers that will defend a untenable spot from zombie hordes that greatly outnumber our own. Many will think we are crazy but the world will know that a few survivors stood against a horde. A new age has come, an age of freedom, and all will know that the Spartans gave their last breath to defend Malton! Why you ask, because Spartans never retreat. Spartans never surrender!

[learn more]

think about it...

Humanity's Saviors
an introduction to HS

a history of HS operation and outline of their plans.

the offensive strategy used by humanity's saviors

the organizational system used by HS.

policies supported by HS

All discussion should be kept on the discussion page of the main page or on the HS forum .

This page design was greatly influenced by the designs of Sirens. Thank you. Other influencing figures include Italo Calvino and Rembrandt.