Malton Rangers/Testimonials

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Welcome to the testimonials page for the Malton Rangers. The most glorius survivor group ever.


  • If, after reading all the wonders of the Malton Rangers, you're still not sure about joining, just browse through some of these testimonials and see what other people are saying.


  • If you're a member of the Rangers or have dealt with the Rangers in the past and you have a testiment to add, feel free to write from your heart. Just be sure to add it to the appropriate section. Use an "*" to create one of those little square dots before your testimonial and add your signature so that we may thank you (or kick you in the nutz) later. Please Note: dumbass comments will be deleted. If you have nothing nice to say, make something up, something that makes us look good. Thank you.


Members of the Malton Rangers

  • "I lost 25 pounds joining the Malton Rangers. I was a lonely folk with no group, until I read the Dickguy' description of the Malton Rangers, and I felt that being under his command was the greatest thing that could happen for me. When I joined, the General gave me an order, personally; and that's how i knew that this is my family now"--Jumafallout
  • "Playing with the Rangers has been great fun and our Missions are action-packed with safehouses being busted and Zeds being Headshotted"--Guy Miscampbell
  • "FWIW I joined up post-Blackmore because the Rangers seemed like a good place for more of the same, so: The Rangers - like the Blackmore Bastards, but without the Blackmore bit."--techewan
  • "I used to be shy."--Melody Arachne
  • "The Rangers is a bit like crack, once you get into it, there's no turning back!"--Magatsu Taito
  • "drink mead, fight, sleep and repeat"--Al Duck
  • "I used to drink by myself and watch teletubbies. With the help of the Malton Rangers, I now drink, watch teletubbies, and play Urban Dead!"--Shriveled Ostrich
  • "joining the rangers helped me get over my acne problem"--Sexualharrison MR ה TStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 18:11, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
  • "Before joining the rangers, I was lost, directionless, and alone. Now I run around with Harrison and shoot zombies all day!" --Your Mommy Issues 17:48, 15 July 2007 (BST)

Other survivors, zombies, groups and anyone/thing else

  • You haven't griefed until you've griefed the Rangers. -IAmRisen
  • I fought beside The Malton Rangers and I got a stunning tie tack as well as a quick revive. --Ed Harken T|C4NT 04:45, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
  • I personally saw the Rangers help retake Caiger Mall and...okay, I wasn't really there, but I did see the video on YouTube! And feth, was that inspiring (to the zombies)! I also saw DHG in Whippey recently, and he was actually giving out shots of scotch. That's leadership!--Lachryma 04:53, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
  • This Zombie witnessed Malton Rangers help defend a mall against him and the horde he was in for over a month, and can safely say that when they get into a battle, they don't like giving up. (this annoyed many of us Zambahz.) --Xyu 23:15, 25 February 2007 (GMT)
