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Full Name: Revan
Age: 27 years old
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130 Pounds
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Current Status: Living
Location: With his unit
Current Level: Level 41
Kills: Unknown
Revives: Unknown
Deaths: Unknown
Group: MCDU
Journal: Not avaliable


Former Sith Lord

To be honest, Revan has no idea why he's in the city. All he remembers is waking up here one day, and it all goes on after that. Kill, barricade, heal, be killed, be revived, repeat... At some time or another, he joined a group, the Malton Civil Defense Unit. Since then, he has been helping others with a purpose, and goes wherever his group goes.

Occasionally, Revan can be heard talking to himself- Whether or not because he is beginning to loose it, or because it comforts him in some way is unknown. He mostly talks about his missing lightsaber and a few other random topics.

At the moment, Revan is squad leader of Unit Five of the MCDU. He's is very proud of himself for being promoted to this position, and is enjoying it so far.

Wasted Mongoose
Full Name: Wasted Mongoose
Age: Unknown
Height: One foot
Weight: Three pounds
Gender: Female
Fur Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Current Status: Dead
Location: With Mall Tour
Current Level: Level 18
Kills: Unknown
Revives: Unknown
Deaths: Unknown
Group: None
Journal: Not avaliable

Wasted Mongoose

Dead, drunk animal

Wasted Mongoose is just what she sounds like- An animal that has had just a wee bit too much to drink. She is mostly anti-survivor but rarely PKs when alive, mostly breaking down barricades or just full out playing as a zombie. She joined Mall Tour at Stickling, and was in the mall when it was ransacked.

As a zombie, Mongoose still appears slightly intoxicated. Though, this is probably just because she's a zombie... And zombies all look like that to me.

Full Name: Neville Landless
Age: 21 years old
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 Pounds
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Current Status: Living
Location: With his group
Current Level: Level 5
Kills: Three
Revives: One
Deaths: One
Group: The Common Heroes
Journal: Not avaliable


We love you Charles Dickens...

Neville was initially created as a joke. For those who do not know, Neville is a character in Charles Dickens The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Mr. Dickens last book that he never finished. Neville is a young man from Ceylon (Current day Siri Laka) that comes to Cloisterham with his sister and likes with the Minor Canon there. I decided to make him a character after going to see the musical adaptation of the book and pretty much singling out him as my favorite.

Neville is a survivor who mostly heals, not wanting to stray too close to the 'Demons.' He joined The Common Heroes after I realized it was a role playing group, and role playing as Neville was be a very... unique experience. And trust me, it is.


Yay! Here, I'll put whatever template amuses me. Hmm, where to begin...

MCDUlogo.png Malton Civil Defense Unit
Revan is a member of the MCDU.
Nuke.jpg Just Nuke the Place!
This user thinks the military should drop the bomb on Malton so that the zombies can mutate into something more powerful and finally pose a real threat to survivors. That is, if any of the survivors make it...
This user thinks that the wiki was a communist creation. He also thinks all those who use the wiki will eventually become communists. Therefore, he fully supports the use of wikipedia until the whole damn world turns communist.