Journal:Charley C./A Pescodside Story

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Malton chronicle.jpg This story is part of the Malton Chronicles.
This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead.

Introduction and such...

Let me introduce myself to you. I, as you may or may not already know, am Charley Cobbleton. As for my personality, looks, voice, occupation, and gender (not a hard one), I'll leave you to discern. The simple reasoning behind this is that I'm lazy (Oh, and I just revealed something. It won't happen again), and while some of you may be unhealthily fascinated by my writing habits, the majority of you probably do not, so I'll cut the crap. My name's Cobbleton, and I've spent the last few months hanging out at The Armstead Library in the suburb of Rolt Heights. This was all well and good, but, as I was perusing a fascinating article about the various battles of the Crimean War ("You study and gain experience"), it occured to me: why hasn't someone written a book about the Zombpocalypse? From there, I though, "Why does the only news I ever hear come from the central, mall-containing suburbs? Why, it seems that just about all of the action occurs around malls!" From that moment, I decided that it would be my solemn duty to record a journal of life on the border suburbs; all of them. All 36 of them.

It didn't take longer after that to begin preparing. I requisitioned a map from the nearby Burchell Arms, picked up a radio to stay in contact with my chums at the Library, slung an axe over my shoulder, and began plotting my journey. I decided that I would begin my quest in the suburb of Pescodside, and circle all the way around to Dulston. This done, I said my farewells, and waltzed out the door.

God, I hate doing introductions. They always sound bad...

Day One: Stultus quod suus vita es nunc secui...

Ah! Good to be on the road! I travelled east from the Armstead Library, and, one block later, found myself in Pescodside. One quick examination of the map later, I began heading to The Farbrother Building, which was a Cell Phone tower, and so, I figured, a good place to begin. I immediatly let out a request for information concerning the recent events, and shall report back once I recieve an answer.

Day Three: The Farbrother War...

Well Crap! I stay in the Farbrother building for ONE day, and immediatly get killed for being in the farbrother building. I guess the man who calls himself "KillKill" was not lying when he stated that a certain "Farbrother War" was going on. That was right before the attack. Here's the conflict the best I can piece it together...

Ok. I'm in a building with guys who call themselves "Royal Guards". They are completely non-hostile to me and are averagly friendly in their presenting of information. "KillKill" offers to AIM with me to explain the war, but, as I have no AIM, I cannot do this. A few hours later, a BAR member (their holiness protect us) slew a member of these "Royal Guards" for rudeness. Following this, he passed out FAKs to everyone, myself included. A short time later, A bunch of "Metal Fox" guys dashed in and started popping caps left and right. The Royal Guards were only too happy to follow suit, and so I recieved quite a brutal show in the way of fighting. Of course, it seemed that the Royal Guards swiftly obliterated the Metal Fox's, so I belived the fighting was over. Right up until the point that a Royal Guard killed me because I looked suspicious. As I later discovered, Metal Fox and the BAR had been allied for a while, and so perhaps my death was due to that affiliation. Or maybe it was all the funny looks I gave the guy that killed me... either or...

Of course, my radio plicked on about an hour later, inquiring as to whether I got eaten by a Zed or not, presumably from Mokitty. I suppose now I'll stumble on over to a revive point to await the syringe of life-giving...