Fire Brigade 47

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"So this is where I live...Behind Fire Brigade 47, But in front of SpongeBob. Hello America"-The Weatherman

Fire Brigade 47
Abbreviation: FB47
Group Numbers: N/A
Leadership: Someone Important
Goals: Reforming, goals to come soon
Recruitment Policy: As to join on our forum and pass the training school

Notice board

Brigade Reformed The Brigade is being reformed with our new forum being the central hub of communications now.

In the beginning...

In the beginning a nondescript survivor who went by the name of FireWarlord roamed the buildings of Malton evading the zombies with little purpose. It began simply enough with an idea that there could be more to be gained from this outbreak by helping people and to do that FireWarlord needed followers. He should have been paying attention to his surroundings rather than planning a nonexistant group as a pack of zombies soon set out to eat him, luckily he saw the Shufflebotham Boulevard Fire Station and climbed in through the windows. Inside he found a group of other survivors who had no idea what to do and more were coming in as he slept. It occured to him that among this ragtag band of survivors there may be another who would ally to his cause of helping survivors...

The Fireman

Malton was a shattered city, contact with the outside world was lost. There was no government to turn to, not even a sitcom to discuss at the overturned watercoolers in the ruined offices. These survivors needed a symbol. Mulling over his thoughts while wandering the station FireWarlord stumbled upon the firehouse's locker room. Seeing the Fireman outfits gave him an idea and soon he had donned a fireman's suit. He went to those survivors in the station and proclaimed he was from the restored malton government. They were just starting up and needed firefighters for the newly formed Fire Brigade 47. A lie, there was no restored government and the name Fire Brigade 47 was taken from an old movie he saw but it was the best he could come up with on short notice.

The First Brigade

FireWarlord soon found a steady stream of new recruits into his group, which was basing itself out of Shufflebotham Boulevard Fire Station. Their mission was simple enough, to restore Earletown to survivor hands. They established contact with a paramilitary unit in the area known as the Bastards of War who were also trying to restore order. It was good that they had made allies because rumors floated on the wind of something called a big bash. Word was the big bash was heading to the nearby treweeke mall so BOW and Fire Brigade 47 made plans to fight for the mall. The mall succumbed to the horde and most of the Brigade was lost, however FireWarlord and a few others made it out.

Caiger Mall

Long story short, FireWarlord managed to recruit a whole new set of members with the help of the lone surviving member Notapyro. Soon Earletown was reclaimed from the bash and things became dull in Earletown. Warlord had achieved his goals on a local level and his fire brigade was restless. Word on the grapevine was that a major center of commerce in the western section of the city had fallen and that plans were underway to take it back. With new fire, FireWarlord sent his men out to this place called "Caiger Mall" to assist the survivors there in taking their mall back. The mall was taken and an outpost was set up. However things fall apart and soon FireWarlord's senior staff had left malton for good.

An arch nemesis?

After the battle for Caiger Mall, FireWarlord returned to Earletown. he maintained radio contact with his senior staff but soon found most of them had abandoned their posts. FireWarlord was now left without the core of his group. While he was sitting in his firehouse he was assaulted and captured. He woke up in a vast, victorian mansion. This was the mansion of the notorious Malton terrorist Lord Pitman. Here FireWarlord was cloned as part of the mysterious Project Pitman. FireWarlord managed to escape and joined up with a roaming paramilitary unit known as The Fortress who was against Lord Pitman, their leader also having been earmarked by him.

The Clone

Lord Pitman never reveals his purpose. Nevertheless he soon had a perfect clone of FireWarlord which he named "TheStrategyWarrior". He sent the clone to Earletown to restablish the brigade, believing FireWarlord would return there some day. at which point phase two could begin...

Who are we

A group consisting of former Caiger Mall Survivors and other allies of FireWarlord, who has left to join The Fortress. The groups is now led by his successor TheStrategyWarrior


Reform the brigade. Establish training school and start teaching new members how to play the game and work in a unit.


Fire Brigade 47 - Caiger Mall Division - Not so much an ally as it is a subsect of Fire Brigade 47

The Original Brigade (for archival purposes)

disturbed dan
SirW00t - Deceased
Exsurvivor - Deceased
Vadamar Vorsand
Izeeki* moved to caiger mall division *
BillybobJoeBo -
Cardinal Rob
Mr Lee
Mibly Mo

Lost Members (some former, all vanished/MIA)

N0TAPYR0former member