Journal:Father Bigley

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Uuugghhhh... ruh?




Muah muh muh!


†H0vGH M`/ ς‮‮‭ρﭲﭲCH FdCvL†1ﭲς sﭲﭲM †0 Hd\/ﭲ D1ςd‮‮‭ρﭲdГﭲD C0MpLﭲ†ﭲL`/, M`/ L1Mbς dГﭲ L0ς1NG †Hﭲ1Г Г1G0Г dND | CdN ڶvς† db0v† vvГ1†ﭲ LﭲG1bL`/


CLu†CHiNG †He ‮‮‭ρeN iς Ge††iNG eaςieГ aND vvi†H †Hiς ГeDvC†i0N iN ‮‮‭ρu†ГeFaC†i0N | CaN juς† ab0v† MaNaGe †0 H0LD †He ‮‮‭ρa‮‮‭ρeГ. ς0 HuNGГ`/!


John McTiernan ‮‮‭ρ0‮‮‭ρ‮‮‭ρed in t0 the confessional `/esterday. |'d tra‮‮‭ρ‮‮‭ρed m`/self inside the b0x and he mist00k my hUngered gr0ans f0r a h hUndred Hail Mar`/s. His knelt mUtterings t0 the crUcifiX above the ρUlpit gave me en0Ugh time t0 free m`/self and creeρ ‮‮‭Uρ behind that glowing bald ρatch. Father, | mUst confess ... in a rage ... with a pole bound crucifix nearest to hand ... | ... cracked his skull o‮‮‭ρen. | ... KILLED him. That's n0t all, th0Ugh. | ... | ... ate his BRAIN! What is happening to me?!


|'ve been hit b`/ what can onl`/ be described as a terrible bout of muncher's remorse. Don't reall`/ feel like | have an`/thing more to sa`/ toda`/.



I'd just finished 'disposing' of the last of John's delicious innards when there was a knock on the door. I resolved not to answer the hammering in this blood smeared state and did my best to secrete John's remains beneath one of the pews. Spent the rest of the day in silent contemplation.


More confessions. Lord!

The knocking pest came back today. It seems I hadn't completely secured the hasp. Before I was fully aware of the change to my surroundings, Mrs. McTiernan had rushed down the aisle and spewed questions pertaining to her husband's whereabouts and a few tears all over my grief-hunched back. I let out a dusty sigh and began an attempt at an apology. My vocal cords seem to have been permanently damaged for all I could manage was a high pitched whistly wheeze. A concerned Mrs. McTiernan popped her head into my periphery and fainted at the flaking crimson smeared all over my face.

As quick as I could I lent over her and began to place a pillow beneath her head. I ... I don't know what darkness took hold of me ... I smashed her against the cold stone floor until those appetising chunks floated out on that river of sweet sweet sauce


That last ... meal banished my appetite for longer than the first. I collapsed soon after and for the next few days I was only slightly aware of the distant screams, of horrors shuffling up and down my aisles, sniffling hungrily at my left overs. They must have been hallucinations, because why would they spare me otherwise?


The hunger is too great. I have gathered together some supplies: namely this catalog of horrors, the top of that broken crucifix, which -- forgive me, but I could find no other way to affixing it than by the screw hole on it's base -- now hangs upside-down from my rosary beads, may it bring me some strength, and some scrapings from the larder, which I have the uncomfortable feeling won't look any less revolting as this demonic hunger grows.


Those horrors were real. The streets are full of their work. From the gleaming white interiors of the littered skulls, I can only deduce they crave the same as I.