Lejnair Corp. Division 1/News Archives

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Eduardo, welcome to the group. I'm just moving your info up to Seat 5 of Squad 1. I want that squad to fill up before people move into Squad 2.--MikhailA 21:52, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

I notice we have a new member Eduardo Rodriguez, and would like to welcome him to Lejnair. As i have been busy moving about Dentonside I have noticed that it is actually not that dangerous. As Mikhail has said most are low level zeds who don't know what to do. The big problem is that the suburb is empty, most buildings are empty and many ruined, if we could bring more survivors into Dentonside it would be easy to restore order.--BuckshotCheney 19:16, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

The Lejnair High Command has been formed, offering new positions for those seeking to be an advisor to the Board of Directors. Currently, appplications for these positions are deined until further notice.--MikhailA 23:15, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

CH4ZM4N, The Lejnair Corp. Administration would now like to personally welcome CH4ZM4N as Seat 3. CH4ZM4N, we would like to congatulate you on making this good decision to join our team. Also, we ask that you get a profile on the wiki. This is so we can contact you on important details. We also ask that you post your location on the group's discussion page or my discussion page so we can give you directions to our safehouse. Thank you and good luck! --MikhailA 22:14, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

With recent vandalism of the case file page, I'm announcing this to the dead of Dunell Hills:
Я уважаю умерших от Дунел Хиллз. Я согласен, что моя zerging утверждения в начале теперь неправильно. Тем не менее, я здесь, чтобы сделать один момент. Это то, что мне делать, когда я скучно. Я играю в городах мертвых, научно-исследовательских орды таких, как ваша, и разработать стратегию. Стратегия происходит естественным меня. Имея отца, который был в советское вторжение в Афганистан помогает Думаю. Но, это весело. И это не то, что они делают в настоящее время войны? Найдите то, что они могут по поводу врага, узнать их планы, и принять по ним? Во всяком случае, я согласен, что моя zerging alleagtions были неверно, и я извиняюсь. Вместе с тем, я ощущают необходимость это сделать, и вот почему. Лично я восхищаюсь Вашей группы для ваших планов, ваши способности, чтобы получить больших количествах, и неисчислимые разрушения Вы привнесете в. Я рассчитываю на этих боях приехать и дать вам мое содействие.--MikhailA 02:27, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

Two things. Survaillence report The Dead Solution Report added to the case files area. Also, Operation Essential Hope added to Current Mission.--MikhailA 01:45, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

I'm not picking on anybody, but we all need to learn how to sign our posts. I mean, I didn't know until about 3 months in. Okay, here's the lesson:
- Once you finish your message, sign your posts.
- This is a normal procedure on anything in this wiki. Unless you see that nobody else has signed their posts, sign your post.
- Okay, to sign your post, stay on the editing window after making your message.
- When you look up top, there's a line of buttons.
- If you look, the second one from the right is a button with a sort of signature on it.
- Press that button, go down to save page and you're done! The hyphens and tildes will transform into your profile name and the time you made the post.
This was a info announcement by:--MikhailA 00:48, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

MikhailA I have reviewed the information you have presented and do believe zerging is occuring... Why kevan has decided to ignore what i believe to be fact, i do not know but i would like them to start checking IP Addresses... We can not allow the horde to zerg. Thank you for the update.Smasher Wallace Signing out for the night. good hunting fellows btw creedy's filled to the wall with zeds. --Smasher Wallace

Check out on this page I added for this situation. Somethin's up and I don't like it.--MikhailA 02:07, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

What is this conspirecy you are talking of Mikhail we need to know.--BuckshotCheney 01:56, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

TheBunnyRabit shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (23 hours and 53 minutes ago) (Scent lost.) ...and again. ...and again. (23 hours and 52 minutes ago)
This is what my zombie alt outside the Clapton Stadium saw. Good job bringing on the shotguning!--MikhailA 01:47, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

A new temporary hq has been set up at the Beaman Boulevard School in Pitneybank at 87,41. Once get the majority of people there, we can set up a permenant hq in a nearby suburb. Get there and remeber to be a man!--MikhailA 01:23, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

After much deliberation Smasher Wallace has awarded a probational Lieutenant rank to Provincex, upon the following conditions: Once revived Smasher Wallace requests you attempt to report to Pitney Bank and invest your experience in basic firearm skills and it's sub-skills. That is all soldier. --Smasher Wallace 17:03, 23 February 2008 (CST)

With the destruction of Stickling Mall and increasing zombie insurgency in Shearbank, the hq has been moved to Pitneybank. All operatives should go there in order to keep this hq safe.--MikhailA 01:33, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

The Lejnair Corp. Administration would now like to personally welcome TheBunnyRabit as Seat 4. TheBunnyRabit, we would like to congatulate you and ask that you change your group name area to our group name. This is so others can tell you're part of our group. Also, we ask that you get a profile on the wiki. This is so we can contact you on important details. We also ask that you post your location on the group's discussion page or my discussion page so we can give you directions to our safehouse. Thank you and good luck! --MikhailA 01:41, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

Okay Operatives! There are many announcements today. First, in addition to our Deus Ex Machina alliance, we now have one with U.S. Army Infantry and another with Pheonix Security Services. Another announcement is the advancement of the Big Bash towards Shearbank, where most of our group is. I am putting this issue up for voting in our council voting area (a new addition). Next, I'm granting Smasher Wallace the post of Captain of Squad 1, as he is an experienced member and now active. Smasher Wallace, you may choose a lieutenant now, or wait for new people to join. Lastly, I'll be making a trip to Pitneybank to survey the area. Down there, I will check the statuses of the areas we fought so hard to protect. I am also going there to discuss an alliance with the MWFD, a group based near Pitneybank. Good luck everybody and remember to vote for the BB2 issue.--MikhailA 02:14, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

With increasing numbers of zombies in north Millen Hills and all resource buildings gone, the hq has been moved to Stickling Mall. All operatives should go there in order to live to fight another day.--MikhailA 01:15, 17 February 2008 (UTC)

Lejanir Corp. Division 1 is now proud to announce an alliance pact with the survivor group Deus Ex Machina. See Alliances for information on the alliance.--MikhailA 03:16, 16 February 2008 (UTC)

The Lejnair Corp. Administration would now like to personally welcome Provincex as Seat 5. Provincex, we would like to congatulate you and ask you head your way up to Millen Hills where our hq is if it is safe enough to do so. This is so we can better protect the hq. Thank you and good luck! --MikhailA 12:59, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

Johndolf the Great has been able to reach Urben towers to find an empty building with a powered down generator so we only need to find fuel. February 7, 2008. --BuckshotCheney

With the destruction of Simper Towers and increasing zombie insurgency in Raines Hills, the hq has been moved to Urben Towers. All operatives should go there in order to keep this hq safe.--MikhailA 01:15, 7 February 2008 (UTC)

With the continuation of the Second Big Bash, all operatives are to report to Simper Towers for Operation Determined Thunder.--MikhailA 03:59, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

Today, with the ruin of Giddings Mall, Operation Dear God was put in effect.--MikhailA 00:35, 1 February 2008 (UTC)


Yesterday, Operation Infinite Tree was announced. Details in Current Mission.--MikhailA 15:37, 30 January 2008 (UTC)

As of the past week BuckshotCheney has been between Zombie and human several times. I have seen an increased use in the combat revive tactict which I do not like. Buckshot is currently lying outside of the Chetham Building in Pitneybank. I am seeking a revive and will move to the nearest marked revive point on the map. --BuckshotCheney 05:16, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Today, Operation Pied Piper was announced. Details are in Current Mission.--MikhailA 00:41, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

As per new directive 1.00, we ask that all members make a short post just saying where there character is on my discussion page. This is so that I know that we don't have any malingers.--MikhailA 03:13, 17 January 2008 (UTC)

Despite Operation New Castle failing, Fort Creedy has returned. All buildings except the depot and West barracks are repaired and 'caded. Lejnair Corp. operatives are encouraged to help keep Fort Creedy in survivor control.--MikhailA 01:50, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

Today, Operation Valhalla Rising was announced. Details are in Current Mission.--MikhailA 18:01, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

The Lejnair Corp. Administration would now like to personally welcome Smasher wallace as Seat 2. Unfortunately, you can't become Supreme Military Advisor unless promoted by me. Therefore, I'm placing your character under Seat 2. Also, would you kindly put in Lejnair Corp. Division 1 in your group so it registers on the stats page and so people can regonize you better. We also ask that you provide your location in order to revive you. Post your loc on my discussion page and I'll revive you on sunday. However, if I can get someone to revive you sooner, all the better. We also ask that you report to Fort Creedy and help with our Operation New Castle.--MikhailA 22:05, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Operation New Castle has commenced. Both barracks have been retaken with about 3 survivors in the NE one. The other one is home to us two. Radio calls have been sent out for reinforcements. Armed survivors are needed.--MikhailA 01:35, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Operation New Castle is a go for 0100 hours (UTC) or 0700 (EST) hours.--MikhailA 22:34, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

Today, Operation New Castle was announced. Details are in Current Mission.--MikhailA 22:07, 7 January 2008 (UTC)

The Lejnair Corp. Administration would now like to personally welcome Gothicer13 as Seat 1. Gothicer13, we would like to congatulate you and would ask that you create a profile on the wiki. This is so we can contact you for our upcoming Operation New Castle. Then, please post a link to your wiki profile under your name. Thank you and good luck! --MikhailA 01:47, 7 January 2008 (UTC)

Today, at 1306 hours (CT), this page was created. --MikhailA 19:27, 1 January 2008 (UTC)