Sweatman offense force

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The Luckwell Defense Force and Sweatman Offensive Force

These two groups are survivor groups based respectively at the Luckwell Police Department and the Sweatman Walk Police Department both located in Shackleville just north of Kempsterbank. This group is dedicated to protecting the surrounding area from Zed invasion and PKer activity.

The Luckwell Defense Force

This defensive force is primarily responsible for upkeep on the barricades of the area, ensuring the entry points are not over barricaded, investigating player profiles to ensure that zed and PKer spys are not infiltrating the area and defending against zed break-ins.

The Sweatman Offensive Force

This offensive force acts as the eyes and ears of the area. This group is responsible for scouting around Shackleville, Kempsterbank, and the surrounding areas, killing zeds as they are found, warning the defense force of incoming Zed assault, and hunting down PKers and Zed spys.

I want to be a part of this, how do I join?

In order to join, come to Luckwell Police Department, announce which group you wish to be a part of and put that group name in your profile. Once a member, you will be expected to to the tasks of whichever group you've chosen. We hope to have a forum up soon in which we will ask for a roll call of all members. Until then, simply put the group name in your profile. If you have any questions, ask Dirk Tequila Jones or Kenshiro Kensuke. Both are usually found at either Luckwell or Sweatman.