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Micheal Orlaski


Michael was born on June 18, 1979 in Malton. In 1994 he started working as a journalist for the public newspaper, which he hadn't had success at. So, he decided to become a police officer at age 25. He went through a year of training at a police academy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He now works full time as a police officer at the LRPD (Loney Row Police Department). Of course since the outbreak has started he had to move. At the moment he is somewhere around the area of Lukinswood, and is deciding on whether or not to make permanent residence there.


ATTN: Order is in chronological going down.

October 16, 2006 - I have reached the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Lukinswood. It is safest to stay the night here. I met a girl named Karen Howard. My friend, Nicholas Bashere is supposed to meet me here tomorrow, hopefully all goes well.

October 17, 2006 - I tried to go to the police station down the street from the hospital, but unfortunately it was too boarded up to go inside. There is a possibility that someone may be in there and alive, because lights were on and I heard a small commotion. I didn't have time to even look at the name of the station due to a zombie. They are almost everywhere outside of the hospital now. I have to find somewhere else to go.

October 18, 2006 - I sat in the hospital all day today, just thinking about life. All throughout the day I heard moans and knocking all around the hospital, they are closing in. I have to get out of here.

October 19, 2006 - I had to leave the hospital. I woke up this morning to see that Karen and Nicholas were gone. I traveled north west a few blocks, and noticed a small zombie presence. A zombie tried to attack me around 30 minutes ago, so I decided to take temporary residence in a small armory. Unfortunately all of the weapons were stolen, but I did happen to find a bottle of wine. Maybe it will come in handy sometime. These two guys were inside sleeping when I went in. I decided not to wake them up because we all know that everyone needs rest, especially now. I think that I might take a rest myself.

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