User:Gus Thomas/Library

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The Library
Lawn Lawn Lawn
Workroom Library Lawn
Hallways Bedrooms Lawn

You walk into the Library of Thomas Mansion. This room is lined with bookcases that hold old dusty tomes. Picking one up and blowing off the dust, you open it to find it contains some knowledge of Gus Thomas in real life. You ask yourself, do you dare to read more?

Below contains some excerpts of these books. If you have a particular interest or a request, post it in the lounge and I will try to find the relevant book. Please understand if this takes some time.

You have 60 Hit Points and 0 Experience Points. You have 50 Action Points remaining.

Role Play Writing

After some nagging from some interested folks, I have agreed to pick the pen back up and resume my role play writing for a few of my characters. Rather then copy/pasta the writings onto various forums (as I attempted to last time) I thought it best to just create a blog to post them on and then just link everyone to that. If you are interested in reading any of them feel free to check out my blog.