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One day, a youth was loitering at his favorite location for loitering, Fox Street, when a fissure of steam erupted from the earth, smashing pavement, scaring children, and delighting old Mrs. Howard, who like to stand on the street corner and yell at oncoming traffic. From this emerged the fro of power, mystery, and nacho cheese which promptly affixed itself to the loitering youth. It imposed its will upon the youth, who promptly discarded his former name(or forgot it, as had been the case before) and adopted the title Outfoxed.

Outfoxed became a private and excelled at his weapons training, as his fro had been educated in matters like this before. He allied himself with the Rotten Tomatoes, as they had similar goals to his. What those goals are, no one can truely say, as they are mysterious like that, but they probably have something to do with survival and revenge enactment.

In general, Outfoxed finds zobmombies to be uppitty, and he dislikes that. He also now keeps a syringe tucked away in his hair to provide for a revive if need be. The syringe was moved to it's permanent position after the previous position (Outfoxed's back pocket) was deemed unfit for syringe holding.

After the Rotten Tomatoes informally disbanded, Outfoxed found himself out of a group to belong in and promptly found himself right dead. Apathy sunk in a for a time he lay dormant. Then the roots(like double meaning) of his inspiration were revitalized

Joined: (2006-02-04)
Class: (Military)
Current Level: (41)
Character Profile: (Outfoxed)
Current Status: (Alive)
Group: Rotten Tomatoes