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====DJ Henrietta====
====DJ Henrietta====
[[Image:Henrietta.jpg|BARHAH MAH ZAMBAH BRAZAHZ!!!]]
[[Image:Henrietta.jpg|BARHAH MAH ZAMBAH BRAZAHZ!!!]]

'''DJ Henrietta says checks out broadcasts from back in the day.'''
'''DJ Henrietta says checks out broadcasts from back in the day.'''

Revision as of 04:29, 14 January 2010

Rnrarrrhdio 28.05 MHz - Your Harman Exsanguination Station Archive

DJ Henrietta


DJ Henrietta says checks out broadcasts from back in the day.

December 26th 2008:
You broadcast "And now the final broadcast of
the 12 days of Undeadite Christmas. Rnrarrrh!!!
Brought to you once again by Rnrrradio 28.05.

On the 12th day of Christmas Undeadites gave to me...
Twelve burbs a'burning,
Eleven buildings ruined,
Ten bite infections,
Nine gennys damaged,
Eight malls wide open,
Seven Craskers crying,
Six bodies laying,
Four feeding groans,
Three Rnrarrrhs,
Two tangling grasps,
And a har-man-in-a-P-D!!!

On behalf of the Undeadites,
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Sleep well..
We're coming for you. Rnrarrrh!!!

November 16th 2008:
"Undeadites radio is brought to you today by me, surfincow!"
"Broadcasting straight from the heart of St George's hospital"
"i plan to abuse my radio privelages until i am killed"
"boy, that was tasty. I'm surfincow, for your health!"
"i think the best part of being in this hospital"
"as an obvious Undeadite, is that i have yet to be attacked"
"these hospital residents are pretty dumb." (5 minutes ago) "maybe we like you, you are fairly entertaining"
"31-71, as someone said to me, there's a party outside"
"come join the fun, it's a blast here in Greentown!"
"Howdy Undeadites! We sure hope you're having a super day!"
"anyhow, i'm going to try and destroy the generator"
"surfincow out"

October 26th 2008:
You broadcast "Rrrrnrrrrah radio brings you this special announcement:"
"Don't listen to 26.84. The randoms continue to spam"
"political diatribes that decay your delicious brainz."
"The Undeadites prefer sweet brainz, unpoluted by thinking."
"So stop thinking for yourselves, and stop listening"
"to other people's thoughts. Instead, meditate."
"Meditate on how much you want the Undeadites to eat you."
"And now, for your listening pleasure, some classic Misfits."
"From their 1982 album, Walk Among Us, here's Skulls."

"The corpses all hang, headless and limp."
"Bodies with no surprise"
"And the blood rains down like devil's rain."
"We'll bathe tonight."

"I want your skull. I need your skull."

"Demon I am and face I peel"
"To see your skin turned inside out cause"
"Gotta have you on my wall, gotta have you on my wall"
"I want your skull. I need your skull."

"Collect the heads of little girls and, put'em on my wall"
"Hack the heads off little girls and, put'em on my wall, Hey!"

"BM, signing off"

October 23rd 2008:
I was lurching by the museum late one night
When my ears beheld an eerie fight
For the Undeadites began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

They did the smash
They did the Mad Craskers smash
The Mad Craskers smash
It was a graveyard clash
They did the smash
It caught on in a flash
They did the smash
They did the Mad Craskers smash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Donut
James and Peterson

When out on the streets, El Coo Cooi's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the door and shook his fist

October 17th 2008:
Hello all, this is Undeadite Radio!
Undead? Join Undeadites! http://tinyurl.com/2syjcq
You are listening to your host, NECRO!
I must say. I am dissapointed with this city.....
Despite my fellow zombies following the teachings
of good old granddady Lenin
the proletariat zombie, has still not
overthrown the bourgeoisie opressor that is the survivors...
we are segregated, We live apart.
WE MUST! i repeat MUST!
reclaim the buildings, and the means of production
Only then. Can we truly have an equal. classless society.
therefore, I encourage all zombies to cast aside,
The barricades of oppression, and capitalism.
And claim that which has been denied to us for far too long.
All Zombies unite, Ivan Drago be our guiding light!!!
The zombies and army are one!
The zombies cannot and WILL not be defeated!
Our ranks are bolstered with each passing day!
Smash those symbols of human decadence! the malls!!!
Remember Zombies, we CAN build a better future
No black and white of life and death
Only, grey, Grey zombies. eating grey matter.
For our children. We shall end segregration
End the malls.
And end the living.
and the dead, Only the UNDEAD shall remain.
join the undeadites!
fighting capitalist opressors since 05
Rnrarrrh!!! http://tinyurl.com/gt6b3
and you shall know us by the trail of dead.
Necro123 signing out.

October 15th 2008:
This is Undeadite Rnrarrrhdio broadcasting live from
the 151st Brigade HQ inside the Chetham Building!!!

And then this from our loyal listeners:
shut the ..." *static* "... up zombä basturd! i wanna sleep.

October 14th 2008:
RnRRadio is back on the air, Live at the latest and greatest
Undeadites raid!!! Who's ready to get eaten?
All your brains are belong to us!

October 9th 2008:
Me & Sejda are safe at Joachim Mall"
Are you and Sejda ever really safe with the Undeadites here?"
That's right ladies and gentlemen, Rnrarrradio is on air!"
Tonight's Rnraport touches on the whereabouts of"
everybody's favorite zombie horde of destruction..."
The Undeadites!!!!"
Our loss to THEM has only served to solidify horde bonds and"
bring both old and new zombies to the fold."
We have since begun our great march to the promised land and"
killed every puny harman we've met along the way"
Pashenton and Gibsonton were pathetic excuses for harman ..."
strongholds. When will you silly harmanz kearn?"
Nevertheless keep your eyes peeled to the north because"
the Undeadites will be coming over the horizon"
...sooner then you think..."
...Valkyries beware...."

August 27th 2008:
Undeadite Radio is on the air!
Now back to the music
I feel a biting on my shoulder
And the smells of something molder
I turn to the cades and check the number
I try to stay on and never slumber
I hear the pounding of the Zombies
And try to hide behind the trees
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can't understand just what does he say?
I'm on a Undeadite Rnrarrrhdio I'm on a Undeadite - whoah - Rnrarrrhdio
I dial it in and tune the station
They talk about the Zombie invasion
I understand just a little
hambargarz! it's a riddle
I'm on a Undeadite Rnrarrrhdio. I'm on a Undeadite, whoa-Oh, Rnrarrrhdio
I'm on a Undeadite Rnrarrrhdio. I'm on a Undeadite, whoa-Oh, Rnrarrrhdio
But remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us..

August 27th 2008:
28.05 MHz: "Are your fellow survivors driving you insane?"
28.05 MHz: "Join the Undeadites and eat their BRA!NZ!"

August 1st 2008:
We pause now on Undeadite radio for a commercial announcement,
Zud Light presents "Real Men of Genius"
Today we salute you Mr. Combat Reviver
Not satisfied the warnings of others
you boldly sank that needle into rotting flesh
“Shank Case said "Ah, C.C. After your antics, did you really
expect a revive? Ha, ha, ha." (16 hours and 51 minutes ago)
Zachard Bvil revivified you with a NecroTech syringe.
(16 hours and 46 minutes ago)”
Now you can rest assured that this revived Zombie will be
destroying the pulling down the barricades and
letting the rest of his horde in for lunch.
So crack open a Zud Light or a nearby skull and bask in your fame!
Mr. Combat Reviver, Zud Light brewing company.
We now return to Undeadite Radio,
But remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us..

July 30th 2008:
Attention...." on 28.05 MHz.
...This is a Rnrarrrh Radio special annoucement..." on 28.05 MHz.
...The Undeadites regret to inform you..." on 28.05 MHz.
...All trains to St Louis's Hospital have been cancelled..." on 28.05 MHz.
...On account of railway stations in ruin..." on 28.05 MHz.
...And commuter's brainz smeared across the station..." on 28.05 MHz.
Keep throwin the dirt on us" on 28.05 MHz

July 9th 2008:
Undeadite Radio is on the air!
We interrupt our normally scheduled program for the Z-Day
Order speech by General Risenhower
You will bring about the destruction of the Harmanz, and
feeding for ourselves in a new world.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained,
well equipped, and scared. He will fight savagely.
The Undeadities have inflicted upon the Harmanz great defeats
in open battle. Our “Steamroller of Death” offensive has
seriously reduced their strength and their capacity to revive.
Our tactics have given us an overwhelming superiority and
placed at our disposal great reserves of rotting corpses.
The tide has turned.
The Zombies of the world are lurching together to victory.
I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to hunger,
and skill in battle.
We will accept nothing less than full victory.
Good luck, and let us all beseech the blessing
But remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us..

July 8th 2008:
Undeadites Radio is on the air!
This just in...Shearbank is now being eaten.
Bring plenty of BBQ sauce!
Remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us...

July 7th 2008:
Undeadite Radio is on the air!
We interrupt our normally scheduled program for a speech by
Prime Minister Weston Brainkill to the House of Uncommons
We shall go on to the end, ….we shall feed with growing
confidence, growing strength, and number, whatever the cost
may be, we shall feed in the hospitals, we shall feed in the
forts, we shall feed in the Malls and in the streets, we
shall lurch through the Millen Hills; we shall never
surrender…Skip the toil, tears and sweat, I have nothing to
offer but blood, brains and good eating…
But remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us..

July 3rd 2008:
Undeadite Radio is on the air! we join the football game
already in progress, 'What makes this game so delightful is
that when Zombie teams get the ball they are attacking.
Harmanz player Skull McCracken has limped off with a
badlycut forehead. He's one of those footballers whose brain
are in his head (at least were). Well Roy, do you think that
you'll have to finish above Undeadites United to win the
league? You have to finish above everyone to win the league.
It's now 1-1, an exact reversal of the score on Saturday.
Caution to listeners of Millen Hills Radio. What you hear
is still not reality. It is contrived, manipulated and
twisted through a team of writers, editors, and advertiser-
controlled agencies. It's 'spun' to get what the Harmanzs
want you to hear.
But remember boys and girls...Undeadite radio is still
kicking, no matter how much dirt you
throw on top of us..

July 2nd 2008:
Welcome to Undeadites Radio!
This goes out to all the tasty harmanz....

Here they come, just a' lurchin' down the street,
Graahing, doowa diddy, diddy-dum, diddy-doo.
Cracking safehouses, and munching on bra!n meat,
Graahing, doowa diddy, diddy-dum, diddy-doo.

They look good...
They taste fine...
They look good...
They taste fine...
Hey that last bra!n was mine!

Before you know it, they had eaten the whole place,
Graahing, doowa diddy, diddy-dum, diddy-doo.
Ruining stuff with...gore caking their face,
Graahing, doowa diddy, diddy-dum, diddy-doo.

They look good...
They taste fine...
They look good...
They taste fine...
Even harmanz with half their spine!

Brought to you by Rnrarrrhdio 28.05.

April 4th 2008:
Greetings yall!
Undeadites own the airwaves!
and we would like to say that if helping survivors
is not for you, then eat them with us!
Undeadites, eating survivors since.... a really long time!
Oh! i am a Undeadites zombie friend, killing crappy harmanz!
we would love to have you! So join us and eat dumb harmanz!
So zombies! if you think killing harmanz is for you then
join us and yell GANGBANG HARMANZ if you got the skill
if not then graaaghhh! works pretty well!
OH!!!!!! JOIN US!
this was a special annoucement from the Undeadites!
any ahrmanz out there who want to kill me then listen
carefully, drop dead and join us! Stupid human!
A zombie ransacked the building.
A zombie ruined the building.
A zombie said "Graagh.

March 28th 2008:
Fear can sometimes be a useful emotion.
For instance, let's say you're a survivor in the building
and you fear that your partner has been infected.
The next time he goes out for restocking, wham!,
you just slam the door behind him and extreme barricade.
He might call you on the radio and say he's not infected,
but you just say, "Think again, Zombie."

  • Just then someone else breaks in.

Dr Mycroft Chris broadcast "Sorry 'bout the confusion, the 2nd url is" from here, on 28.05 MHz.

  • our show goes on.

My fellow citizens of Malton, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws living forever. The zerging will begin in five minutes.

  • he interrupts again.

Dr Mycroft Chris broadcast "a 7x7 scout report from Sweatman" from here, on 28.05 MHz.

  • But the show wont be silenced.

Brains, integrity, and force may be all very well, but what you need today is Charm. Go ahead and work on your barricade programs if you want to, I'll develop my radio personality.

But remember boys and girls…Undeadite Radio is still kicking, no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us..

  • LOL then he retuned the radio and I am not sure he knows I am in the same building.

March 7th 2008:
You broadcast "Undeadite Radio is on the air!
It's so sweet, I feel like my teeth are rotting when I listen to the radio.
Oh wait…my teeth ARE rotting anyway
I think it's very cool to discover new songs and find
something on the radio that you think is so cool that you go destroy the radio.
But remember boys and girls…Undeadite radio is still kicking,
no matter how much dirt you throw on top of us.." on 28.05 MHz.

February 20th 2008:
The program brought to you by the Undeadites.
Undeadites are in the house!
Undeadite radio. Brought to you by Brainz!
The Undeadites passed 4000 kills tonight. smile.gif
Undeadites ROCK!
Your next Whippey... the Undeadites are coming

February 18th 2008:
You broadcast "Welcome to Undeadites radio!!!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Tonight it will be short and sweet!!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "All around the mulberry bush" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "the Zombie chased the newbie" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "The newbie stopped to pick up his glock" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "*POP* goes the newbie!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Until next time breathers...Rnrarrrhdio 28.05 out...." on 28.05 MHz.

February 16th 2008:
Undeadites radio is on the air!!
Now, a classic for the harman from us....
Two Tablespoons of cinnamon, and 2 or 3 eggwhites
Half a stick of butter, meeeelted..
Stick it all in a bowl baby, Stir it with a wooden spoon
Mix in a Cup of Flour, you'll be in heaven soon
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick-me-up
Just stick my balls in your mouth!
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls,
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
they're packed full of vitamins, and good for you,
So suck on My balls!
This is Rnrarrrhdio 28.05 signing off....

February 14th 2008:
28.05 MHz: "Here comes the bride...." (3 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Short, fat and wide..." (3 minutes ago)

February 12th 2008:
Undeadite Radio is on the air
This just in flue shots at edmund general hospital are
cancelled tonight because of infection
In fact I would cancel any Dr. Apt at that hospital till it
because it's ruined.
A good night for the Undeadite hoard
But I love this city “Malton: the only city where people
make radio requests like This is for Tina -
I'm sorry I ate your Brain
The Corporation for Zombie Broadcasting distributes an
appropriation that we provide in accordance with a
statutory formula, the vast majority of goes directly
in our pockets.

February 11th 2008:
28.05 MHz: "Hello people, welcome to Undeadites Radio!" (7 hours and 19 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Though it is now called Rnraarrghadio" (7 hours and 19 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "We have from you, the Undeadites rap from the great Artist!" (7 hours and 18 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Necro123 of the undeadites!!" (7 hours and 18 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "An avid campaigner of zombie rights, noted for," (7 hours and 18 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "The famous Bring down the cades campaign" (7 hours and 18 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "In his fight against zombie segregation." (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "But regardless, on with the song!!!" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I’m a zombie named Necro both my parents are dead" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Now I’m hangin in the ghetto earnin Zombie street cred" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "In the Undeadites lounge crib I be chillin with the Shorties" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "My homies and me be drinkin cranial fluid forties" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Certified is the boy i'd like to kick in the rump" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "We're at each others throats just like Rosie & Trump" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I fight the 3 branched DEM and I raid the big party" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "KristiOTD is my Freak cuz she makes me feel dirty" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I pimped out my bramahz with 28 speakers" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I once ate a doctor just to a take his sneakers" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "/Zom/ is my bitch, fool, they ain't no man" (7 hours and 15 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I can’t wait to bust a cap up in his Trenchcoat ass!" (7 hours and 15 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "MY NAME IS NECRO123" (7 hours and 15 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "TO THE N," (7 hours and 15 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "TO THE E" (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "TO THE C," (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "TO THE R" (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "TO THE O , You see" (7 hours and 14 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "He's a magic man" (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "he puts the Zeds in the city" (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "don't call him Necro123" (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "'cause my name is N. Piddy." (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Thank you N.Piddy, great song." (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "If you wish to join the undeadites and have more fun," (7 hours and 13 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "and party hard, enjoy banana's in ways that ought not to be," (7 hours and 12 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Enjoyed, Check Undeadites on the wiki" (7 hours and 12 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Or go to http://tinyurl.com/ajdp8" (7 hours and 12 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "For the forums where the mods/admin will help you" (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "keep partying hard, end the segregation." (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "And don't forget, Keep it N.Piddy yo!" (7 hours and 11 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I wish I may, I wish I might, kill all the undeadites" (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "You are likely to be eaten by a grue" (39 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Oh no! I was eaten by a Grue!" (30 minutes ago)

February 9th 2008:
You broadcast "Undeadite Radio back on the Air " on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "I see dead people and they make more sense" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "than Paris Hilton....This just in All Movies in Chenery" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "are cancelled for a private showing of Rocky Horror Picture " on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "and now for the song that's rising the charts to number 1" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "All We Want To Do Is Eat Your Brains by the Banana Rammers" on 28.05 MHz.

February 9th 2008:
You retune the radio to operate on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Undeadite radio is on the airwaves!!!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "For all you love birds out there wanting to take " on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "your sweetheart to a movie, I'm sad to report" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "The Undeadites have decided to decend upon Chenery Cinema" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Sorry for the problem" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Now sit back and enjoy this little ditty" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "We only want to eat your brains" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "by Rnrarrrgh and the Banana Rammers" on 28.05 MHz.

February 7th 2008:
You broadcast "Undeadite radio is on the air"
You broadcast "so open up the door we all come inside and eat your brains"
You broadcast "were not unreasonable we're not going to eat your eyes "
You broadcast "Meanwhile I’ll report back to my colleagues who were chewing on the doors"
You broadcast "I’m not a monster Tom, well, technically I am"
You broadcast " If you open up the doors We’ll all come inside and eat your brains"
You broadcast "Well that all for Undeadite radio for tonight back soon"

January 15th 2008:
You broadcast "Hello all, this is Undeadite Radio!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "With your loveable host Necro!!!, back from hiatus" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Nursing a blood and guts hangover, We, the Undeadites," on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Feel good enough to continue rampaging, Good times," on 28.05 MHz
You broadcast "With good music, gin, and man meat will be had by all." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Harmans are of course welcome to join in our party." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Provided it's at their pads, and they supply the bran pie." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "However lets us speak on a more serious topic." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "We thought the age of racial segregation had come to an end." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "However it has not. Still i see," on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Poor, innocent and cold zombie men, women and children." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Locked out by cades and kept in the freezing cold." on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "This travesty must Stop! Think of the zombies!!!" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "If you too are against racial segregation, Then join," on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "the Undeadites at http://tinyurl.com/ajdp8" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "So i wrote a small poem for all of you humans" on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "It's nothing fancy, but i hope you'll come to treat us as," on 28.05 MHz.
You broadcast "Your equals, poetry must be a sign of reason and intellect." on 28.05 MHz.

August 22nd 2007:
Barhah! Mah zambah az ahn za harn!
Za Ahndadadz ranzag hazzaz anh zmazh harmanz manbagz anh bra bagz! Har har, bra bagz...
Mah zambah brazzaz nahbarg babah zambaz, zmazh anh grab harmanz rah nah anh zahmarrah.
Ahndadadz rahbzahd az http://tinyurl.com/ajdp8
Undeadite Radio is brought to you by the letters: abghmnr and z!
The Undeadites are currently ransacking Dulston.

August 17th 2007:
You broadcast "Well, Pescodside, while it's been fun doing these dumb..."
You broadcast "broadcasts from within your pitiful suburb, I have had..."
You broadcast "quite enough life for this month at least. I must bid..."
You broadcast "you adieu for now, perhaps you will see my rotting flesh..."
You broadcast "trotting towards you. at the head of the Undeadites"
You broadcast "better just GTFO. love, you're friendly neighborhood bovine"
You broadcast "surfincow."
You say "see y'alls later. Ima check out the pavement from the 10th floor window of the Farbrother building."
You say "it's been nice hanging with you all, and not being killed. you're a dim lot."

August 15th 2007:
29.00 MHz: "Hello brother zombies!!!" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "This is Undeadites radio!!" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "We have come to eat your suburb, and your cat" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "Infact, we eat anything (almost) that comes around" (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "This comes as part of our apocalypse mission, it's easy," (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "we simply want Zombie rights," (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "Like the ability to freely eat branz" (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "But we wouldn't say no to a sqaure dancing fair, and a" (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "large bottle of gin!, we also want to see the cades removed" (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "They stop us from mingling with the harmanz," (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "infact, they amount to segregration!" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "We as zeds shan't stand up for this!" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "erm. stand for this that is." (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "So if your looking for a cool group, Join the Undeadites today" (2 hours and 1 minute ago)
29.00 MHz: "The group is consisted of 33% pwnage, 33% awesomeness" (2 hours and 1 minute ago)
29.00 MHz: "33% uber and 42% rotten, yes," (exactly 2 hours ago)
29.00 MHz: "We really are 141%!!!" (exactly 2 hours ago)
29.00 MHz: "See the wiki page for more details" (exactly 2 hours ago)
29.00 MHz: "It's named Undeadites, or go to http://tinyurl.com/ajdp8" (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "Somone will help you, likely one of the uber mods or admin," (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "With us, you can expect much less headshots" (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "more killing and lesss banging in front of cades" (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "erm," (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "the cades that is, not fellow zeds *snickers*" (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "PEOPLE OF MALTON DON'T LISTEN TO ZOMBIE PROPOGANDA!!!!" (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "erm, ignore that passerby" (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "So... this is Undeadites radio!!!" (1 hour and 57 minutes ago) ...and again.
29.00 MHz: "We have the hottest tracks back to back." (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "I got you babe I got you babe,They say our love won't pay," (1 hour and 55 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "the rent, Before it's earned, our money's all been spent," (1 hour and 55 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "I guess that's so, we don't have a pot,But at least I'm sure" (1 hour and 55 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "of all the things we got" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "babe" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "I got you babe" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "I got you babe!" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "Thank you caller for that, erm wonderful track..." (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "ugh..." (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "Janet!, Make sure the next caller is a metalhead!!!" (1 hour and 53 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "damn romacner, wasting my Ap." (1 hour and 53 minutes ago)
29.00 MHz: "ah well. Till next to on Undeadites radio!" (1 hour and 53 minutes ago)

August 15th 2007:
You broadcast "I think it's a tribute to either the incompetence of "
You broadcast "this suburb's inhabitants, or the extreme might of the"
You broadcast "Undeadites that I haven't been removed from my post"
You broadcast "Underneath this radio box. "
You broadcast "time to open your warehouse, gentlemen!"
You broadcast "love, surfincow."

August 14th 2007:
You broadcast "Rnraaarh! The Undeadites have come for you and your suburb!"
You broadcast "Pescodside, your pitiful defenses are no match for our might"
You broadcast "We will obtain brains from each and every one of you."
You broadcast "Leave now, while you have a chance, while I'm a breather"
You broadcast "Or stay. that means more brains for us!"
You broadcast "hey zeds listening! need a horde? check out Undeadites!! "
You broadcast "Love, surfincow. that's me!"

November 11th 2006:
28.05 MHz: "Hello all!!! this is undeadite radio!!!" (11 hours and 51 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "and we're gonna stay this time!!!" (11 hours and 51 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "i don't know whether my partner JS will be back...." (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "but necropolis123/undeadite 123 or necro is!!!" (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "So my brazzah zambahz!!!!" (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "the buildings are falling!!!!" (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "the harmanz are dying!!!" (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "the zombie population is growing!!!" (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "squaredancing is ever more popular!!!" (11 hours and 49 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "and we just wanna have fun!!" (11 hours and 48 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "ohh......zeds...just wanna have fun!!!" (11 hours and 48 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "And we're gonna ..." *static* "... this city!!!!" (11 hours and 47 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "Join the undeadites today!!!!" (11 hours and 47 minutes ago) ...and again.
28.05 MHz: "We're a fun loving group!!!" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "see the wiki or join us in Yagotown!!!" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "and their forum is at http://tinyurl.com/ajdp8" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "I'll see yall there!!!" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)
28.05 MHz: "goodbye!!!" (11 hours and 46 minutes ago)

August 6th 2006:
This is the Undeadites radio first ever broadcast
Sadly i'm out of AP but i'll be back tommorow on 28.05 MHZ

Rnrarrrhdio 28.05

Brought to you by the Corporation for Zombie Broadcasting™.