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"Give me brains."

Aaarrgh is a dedicated zombie player. His real name in-game (though the character himself doesn't remember it) is Will Roland. His player Tony (alias Tag) is the drummer for south Georgia-based death metal band Neural Implosion.

Will died during the early outbreaks, and immediately started eating people. During a less-than-glorious rise to becoming a standalone superpower within the Malton sprawl, young Aaarrgh had to resort to feeding on his fellow zeds, just like most everybody else. Upon hearing of the success of Mall Tour '06, Aaarrgh started a private pub crawl of his own, more often than not landing not in pubs, but in churches and factories, smashing his way in and eating everyone inside (over the course of several days, for he was often killed and thrown out halfway through, having to restart the whole process over) before moving on. This period of time was spotted with several revives, which led to acts of aggression against his own zethren (a move he later regretted, but it was good for XP at the time). Eventually, Aaarrgh took one too many headshots, and the sheer amount of lead lodged in his skull-beef caused his brain to rot from within, making future revives next to impossible. He searched for a NecroTech building for about a day before abandoning his campaign and setting out to explore and eat the rest of the city.

For a time, Aaarrgh operated as a lone-wolf agent of the Drunken Dead, but the severe lack of alcohol (or his own goddamn horde ever being nearby or active when he was around) ultimately led to his defection. He's now having serious thoughts about moving to Whittenside and joining the Feral Undead horde, as they seem to have an equal supply of brains and booze.

Aaarrgh currently resides nowhere in particular.


November 11 2006 - Will Roland dies during the second wave of the outbreak. He returns to life as a zombie and promptly eats his next-door neighbor's chihuahua.

November 20 2006 - Aaarrgh hears of the success of Mall Tour '06. He immediately sets out to eat the town, but discovers that he can't really do that much.

March 07 - After several months preying on his own kind, Aaarrgh finally eats his first full-sized human person. Tasty!

September 07 - Mall Tour '07 passes right by, leaving Aaarrgh to his own devices.

December 08 - Aaarrgh is successfully on his way to becoming a standalone superpower within Malton, though his reign of terror is entirely at random. He also joins the Drunken Dead as a lone-wolf agent.

April 08 - Due to lack of interaction with the horde, Aaarrgh defects and fakes his own death. He enters a year-long hibernation, during which time his brain and body begin to decompose. This is most likely because he decided to sleep in somebody's empty grave.

May 09 - Aaarrgh returns from the dead, having discovered himself to be actually dead, and again becomes one of the undead. He resumes his crawl through the city, intent on joining the Feral Undead. Simultaneously, he develops Brain Rot and Flesh Rot almost overnight, a consequence of spending so much time being actually dead. He also receives word of the success of Mall Tour '09, and flies into a rage at having been unable to participate a third time in a row. A litter of puppies die of fright as a result, and two high-school students returned home without their legs.

June 09 - Aaarrgh finally arrives at Fort Feral, carrying an armful of booze and a sackful of dead cheerleaders.