User:Hiro Dark

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Revision as of 19:04, 24 August 2009 by Hiro Dark (talk | contribs)
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Im just gonna post stuff about my alts here...Which are Hiro Dark, Zero Light, Keith Bane, and The Psychopath

Hiro Dark

Umbrella Corp.gif Umbrella Employee
Our Business Is Life Itself!
Umbrella Corp.gif Victor Platoon Member VPflag.jpg
This User is in the Umbrella Corporation’s Victor Platoon.
CAZPLMY9.jpg Zombie Killer
When this user is a Zombie they are Survivor friendly and will only attack Zombies.
Gun.jpg Military
This user is in the Military and is probably off trying to control the zombie outbreak.

Zero Light

Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.
Adrenaline666.jpg AXE ASSASSIN
This user started off in the civilian class as a Firefighter with a fire axe and radio, and axe-handling training.
Fireaxe.jpg Fire Fighter
This user is a Firefighter and is probably off chopping up a zombie with their axe.

Keith Bane

ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
DarkFeral.jpg Feral
This user could be anywhere, doing anything, and only one thing is certain: It involves blood.

The Psychopath

This user supports PKer rights!

...I support the ideal, but doubt I'll stop playing the game.

WPKUsmall.jpg WPKU
The latest news. The hottest music. The exclusive "interviews" you've been waiting for. This user is a broadcaster for WPKU. WPKU: Because PKers need entertainment too!
Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.

All of them

Keyhole2.jpg Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
Crowbar.jpg The Almighty Crowbar
Wooden crates beware, this user has a crowbar.