
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 06:45, 19 August 2010 by Vapor (talk | contribs)
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Malpracticesmall.png Malpractice Team Member
This user is a member of Team Malpractice.


BB3-template-red.jpg Big Bash 3
This zombie Bashed, but now they're
heading home after the party.

Group Affliation


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USER> vapor|
USER>Access granted...initializing.......decrypting............retrieving BIO.......done
Name: Joe
Handle: vapor
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Occupation: Intergalactic Ninja
A gamer at heart, Joe can be found most nights in front of his computer or relaxing on the couch with a controller in hand. When he's not playing Urban Dead, he may be seen playing Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, Dragon Age, StarCraft II, or any number of PS3 titles. He is also a budding wiki editor. He was introduced to Urban Dead in 2009 by a group of ARG players from Together they forged Team Malpractice, a short-lived survivor group with a goal of revitalizing Lukinswood. After nearly all members had moved on, Joe continued playing, eventually joining the group CORAM. Joe also plays a zombie character in Urban Dead which has played both feral and with groups. He has tried his hand at PKing but just hasn't got into it yet.
Group Leadership: Malpractice - Co-founder, Leader, Forum Admin
Meta: EBS twitter, Malpractice forum
Wiki: Malpractice, Lukinswood Barricade Plan, Calendar of Events Template
Cake.png OMFG! CAKE! W00T!
vapor has reported over 150 NecroNet scans, proving their absolute dedication to NecroWatch. They have been rewarded with cake that is delicious and moist.
Mester-block.jpg THE MESTER ARMS
if u was high so was i

The Mester Arms

Malton-green.jpg MALTON GREEN