RRF/Malton Herald & Sun/Text/Text0309left

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Barhah History Month III

A little Mall called Caiger

  • Taken from an account by Papa Petro himself

The original plan was ambitious, and it was intended to be our last mall siege for a good while, because after Caiger, we figured nobody would ever defend a mall again. The original concept, that was actually followed to some extent was to maneuver the three big hordes and such smaller hordes as wanted to join in, placing them around all points of the mall and crunching suburbs to drive the survivors into a center point. We didn't quite get the desired seal on the northwest, though the Anti-Celebrity Taskforce did the best they could with their manpower to make life unpleasant up there. The Scourge drove in from direclty east moving toward the mall, while the RRF Groups closed in on the southern extremities, culminating with both groups moving into East Becktown. (Which, in and of itself was putting up a pretty stiff fight, due to the high refugee population concentration, which we'd dubbed the 'compression effect' of driving survivors from downtown.)

The final touch on the initial plan was the 'failed assault' by the CotR. Back in the day, the CotR was just a step below major horde status, a sizable force, and they happened to be on a westward pilgramage that included raids on Caiger, but they had no intention of making a major assault out of it. That worked perfectly for our plan, with the CotR passing through, cracking the barricades and getting 'beaten back', which gave the defenders a sense of confidence.

We'd driven literally hundreds of survivors into the mall. The three major hordes and a host of minor hordes were set to attack, and where we went, tens and hundreds of ferals were sure to follow.

And then it started to unravel.

Onward to Caiger, Donnie Osmond must die

  • Taken from an account by DM

Most of us were in East Becktown at the time, trying to finish up Lonely Row PD and Daubeney NT when the announcement came through from Petro:

My friends.

It is a disturbing message I have to bring you.

As you all know, Donnie Osmond has long been one of the primary targets/objectives of the Ridleybank Resistance Front.

Word has come to me that he is hiding nearby.

In the Caiger Mall, to be precise.

But that's not all.

Perhaps some of our younger brethren should leave the thread now.

See, humans are a strange breed, fearful and ashamed.  They engage in strange behaviors that we sometimes find perverse. In order to escape the consequences of their actions, they have been known to... use names that are not their own.

Yes, I am as shocked and dismayed by this barbaric practice as you are.

It would seem that Donnie Osmond had adopted one of these false names... I shall term this a 'pseudonym', and has taken up residence in the Caiger.

There is only one way to be sure of getting him.


We march with the HORDES once more!

To the CAIGER!


Groups 1 and 2 joined the siege on the 10th with LittleLisa leading the way. By the 12th, the NE section of the mall was cleared from the combined assault of the ACT, RRF, The Scourge and the COTR, and we all expected the entire mall to collapse in a couple of days. After all, no mall previously had survived a united horde attack after losing a quadrant.

The hordes then turned their hungry eyes on the SE quadrant, fully expecting to level another mall into the ground. We started the switch to infection attacks to help drain survivor AP. After the collapse of the NE, it seemed only a matter of time before Donny Osmond and his Caiger pets were in our hands...