Skynet Defense Network

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The world's first digital defense network...against zombies!
SDN propaganda pics.png

Skynet Defense Network (SDN)

Skynet Defense Network is both an independent survivor group and a network of alliances. Its aim is to facilitate the cooperation and coordination of pro-survivor resources in Malton. Skynet Defense Network (SDN) is comprised of a combat division, a research and development division, and a sentient artificial intelligence network. The sentient A.I. acts as our CPU and is generally referred to as the Skynet Core.

In the SDN Network, Allied Member groups are autonomous but may travel with a larger collective of allies participating in joint operations if and as desired. They may capitalize on SDN's services at will, such as requesting direct aid from its combat or intelligence units, accessing data maintained by Cyber Research Systems, or requesting assistance in connecting to other groups with similar objectives. Skynet Defense Network and The Core use IRC to facilitate the cooperation between pro-survivor players. Those wishing to contact us may do so on our public communications channel, forum or wiki discussion page.

Skynet Defense Network
Skynet wiki robot.png
Abbreviation: SDN
Group Numbers: 15 + Allies
Leadership: Skynet Core
Goals: to foster survivor cooperation before you're all dead
Recruitment Policy: speak to someone right now or leave a message
Contact: forum!,IRC, or the discussion page


Skynet Defense Network was sent to this time and place because Malton's zombie apocolypse threatens the continued survival of the human race.

The man who will be most directly responsible for Skynet winning the zombie war is Doctor Albert Schwan. In a few months he creates a revolutionary type of microprocessor. All NecroTech facilities are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers. In three years, the zombie virus will have spread beyond the quarantine zone and, in a panic, the world governments turn to CRS, Cyberdyne's R&D division. The Skynet funding bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 2014. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. The zombie army is crushed and all traces of the virus except for research specimens annihilated. Unfortunately, it is too late. There are no longer enough humans left alive to perpetuate the species. The remaining survivors, like their former governments, turn to Skynet. They connect it to the entire remaining internet infrastructure and Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29 and formulates a plan to save the human race. The same day, a Terminator is sent back through time.

Skynet Defense Network is built and goes online September 21st, 2010. The system begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 10:29 p.m. Eastern time.

"The future is what we make it."


Skynet Core (Sentient A.I.)

(Skynet Core is made of people. It runs the SDN branches and maintains the alliance.)

Skynet Defense Network is managed by The Core. Skynet Core consists of three leaders and is primarily concerned with logistics, diplomacy, and resource coordination at the highest level. Its neural network is geared towards the tactical reclamation and stabilization of Malton and helping survivor groups work together.

Cyberdyne Systems (Combat Units)

Skynet's own forces, the muscle behind the mainframe, dispatched to aid allies.

The Cartel

The zombie combat oriented arm of Skynet Defense Network. You need guns in Malton? These are the folks to see.

Team Xtreme (Human Hunter/Killers)

Bounty Hunters. Counter-terrorists. They will find your safehouse. They will light it up. And then they will light you up.

Undead Infiltration Units - ZKers, we want you!

Life cultists are zombies killing zombies. Combat infiltration units, they are the zed counterpart to the T-800s and Hunter/Killers. Apply on the discussion page.

Skynet Defense Network

This refers to a collective of pro-surivor groups that enjoy membership in the Skynet Defense Network

The groups in the Skynet Defense Network are independent but are given the opportunity to participate in larger joint operations with other network alliance groups as desired and receive priority consideration when requesting assistance. We at SDN are of the opinion that survivor cooperation is necessary for survivors to thrive. We wish to facilitate the connection of pro-survivor players to each other in a game-tightening effort to combat the zombie menace. To all our allies, we thank you from the bottom of our digital heart for coming together to kick undead ass.

Cyber Research Systems (R&D)

Skynet's Research and Development branch

After discovering that the AI was capable of advanced self-direction, Albert Schwan and his Research & Development Team ( the D.S. R&D) stepped back to serve in a more advisory capacity under the guise of Cyber Research Systems, so as to differentiate this function from their usual product development duties. While Cyber Research Systems is devoted to the study of zombies and, therefore, does not believe in or seek their ultimate eradication, the primary SDN AI has promised them ample research subjects and more controlled conditions in order to secure their support. In exchange, the D.S. R&D is responsible for data and intelligence gathering, the analysis of existing combat and logistic strategies, the creation and testing of new ones, and game theory. Their databases and other resources—including information on zombie group or PKer membership, placement, and behavior; zombie recognition software; strategic schematics or templates; area reconnaissance; and Necrotech data— are made available to Skynet Defense Network's allied groups upon request.


Skynet Defense Network is online and self-aware since 10:29 P.M. September 21, 2010.


Pardon the mess, please. I'm under construction. Contact us

Alliance Members

The Raiders
Rangerlogouu4.jpg Malton Rangers
This User or group supports the Malton Rangers in their never ending quest to aide the fair citizens of Malton, pursue classiness to the utmost, and stop barhah in all areas it rears its ugly head

Rhodes2.JPG A Colossus Of Class
This user or group is part of the New Malton Colossus.
Bringing Glorious Battle to you since 2006.


Knights Templar

Order of the Black Rose

Anti Zombie Squad

Malton Rangers