Journal: Jack Cooper

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This is the personal journal belonging to Jack Cooper. It was recovered from his body after his death by a man who wished to remain anonymous. It was started just several days before the outbreak.

Day 1

Just got this journal across the street from my flat. I figure it'll be nice to have later. Don't really have much to talk about today,guess I'll try writing some more tomorrow.

Day 3

Went to Magg's bank and talked with Jerry for a while. Jerry introduced me to a hot little number named Caren Huntsley. I talked to her for a while and got her number. Man she's jsut so great. I talked with her for at least 3 hours on the phone. Jerry says I'm just being a hopeless romantic.

Day 4

Went on a date with Caren earlier today. Caren works with Jerry at the bank, she is a teller. (Jerry is a security guard) today I got a raise at work. Boss Said I earned it for finishing up the foundation on the new school so quickly.

Day 6

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. Had to visit my mum, she took a nasty bite to the arm when a man tried to mug her. I heard the police had to shoot the man dead when he turned up later. Malton used to be such a nice town.

Day 7

There's alot of nonsense on the news about "African Rabies" Caren convinced me to get a shot of that new vaccine they've got. BBC even did a special about Necrotech's involvement.

Day 9

People in the city are getting worried. The rabies that supposedly came from Africa has been traced all the way back to England. I'm a bit worried about the whole thing.

Day 10

This is serious. A group of men tried to break into my lat building last night. Me, the landlord and Jerry had to go out their with whatever weapons we could find and tell 'em to get lost. They *Word scribbled out* didn't listen, they kept coming and Mr. Davis he just couldn't make it back inside. I watched those thugs tear him apart. Can't write anymore.

Day 11

There was a special on the telly about "The dead walking" I thought it was bunk until I got attacked by a few of these *Two words crossed out* things. Fortunately I had hammer still in my work belt. I had to beat a mans brains out. Hits anywhere else they don't seem to feel. The Telly said go for their head.

Day 12

There is panic in Malton, there are hundreds of those things out there. Jerry showed up at my flat with a baseball bat and said he had to fight he was over from the College. I'm afraid this whole thing is going to explode soon.

Day 14

The Army got called in, there was fighting all throughout the city yesterday, people on the street are calling these things "Zeds" as in Zombies. I nearly got killed when a soldier thought I was a zed. Jerry had to spend the night, he couldn't get to college and his room was hit by some sort of bomb during the fighting. I got really worried and called Caren over too. She is sleeping in my room right now and me and Jerry are sleeping on the floor.

Day 15

Huge mobs of Zeds were moving through Malton, killing everyone in there path. The army is pulling back. A huge group of humans grabbed up whatever weapon they could find and tried to fight them. They killed by my count at least 100 zeds right outside my flat but a very similar number of them died as well. It was pretty bad.

Day 16

I could hardly believe it. The Prime minister announced that Malton was to be evacuated and quarantined. After looking outside I figured out pretty quick that evacuation was impossible for us. Big groups of Zeds outside roaming around. (I think I saw Mr. Davis) we will have to ride it out. Like an American Hurricane. I tried to tell every one else in the neighboring flats that we couldn't leave, it wasn't safe. No one listened. If they're lucky the Zeds killed them all. I pray they didn't add to their numbers. Caren and Jerry helped me barricade up the main entrance and get what weapons we could. I have a fire poker, Jerry a baseball bat and Caren a Fire axe. Things don't look good, we only have a little food, plus whatever is in the other flats. Well, I'm tired now. I'll write more tomorrow.

Day 18

Busy all day yesterday. We are officially quarantined now. No traffic in or out of Malton. The power in our flat went out today and now we're trying to eat all the perishable foods. Jerry said he saw lights at Magg's told him it was either a fire or a reflection. I wonder how long we'll live without power.

Day 19

Jerry was right. Magg's has lights, that means there are people in there. The Zed packs were gone today. We crossed the street to Magg's. It was so weird. The whole city was quiet, wrecked cars were everywhere and trash blew through the streets. I saw alot of blood on the pavement too. When we got to the bank it was full of people. The day manager Mr. Carvile was there, he said he was on his way to a golf trip when the quarantine cut him off, now he is tarpped in the bank. There was also some kid who came in off the street he had a pistol with him, it was tucked into his fatigue jacket. Two of the tellers were there two, this stuck up girl named Sheila and a really wussy guy named Gregory. We barricaded up the bank and moved our food from across the street. Hope things will settle down soon.

Day 20

The bank came under attack by nearly 30 zeds. After the battle the floor of the bank was covered with blood. Mr. Carville was having a fit about the state of his business. It got cold that night and we had to burn money to stay warm. We've got plenty. Carville told me that even though the gennie was running it wouldn't make the heat work. But after the battle me and the kid in the jacket, (His name is Wilhelm he is a tourist from Germany, speaks a little English) went down to the petrol station and got a couple gallons of fuel. He told me that he can make molotov cocktails and help us protect the bank better.

Day 21

Zed came at us again, we broke some skulls that day. we treated him all the same and he will make a full recovery. We didn't get a chance to test the cocktails but we will soon. Some army soldiers in a jeep stopped by to see if we were okay. I said we were and they left. Before they did they told me the limit of the quarantine is only a few blocks west of us. I think we shpuld be able to reach it.

Day 22

The bank is looking really rough now. All the windows are blown out, there are piles of bodies outside and blood everywhere inside. I told the others my plan to breach the quarantine. We're all clean so it won't matter. Maybe we can get some help for those in Malton. We are about to vote on the issue.

It passed! Only Sheila voted against it. By the way, she has been acting weird around e, I think she's trying to flirt with me. Caren doesn't seem to happy about that, but i told her nothing can stand between us.

No date given

Can hardly write now. Caren's dead. *Ink smudged* at the Quarantine limit. It was awe inspiring. a 100 yard stretch of land devoid of any life ending with moats and barb wire entanglements. I knew trying to cross was suicide so instead I signaled them with a flashlight in morse code. They answered back. I told them to let us cross. they said they couldn't, it was a quarantine after all. We argued for a while then that other male teller ran for it. He got about twenty yards when a sniper hit him, he went down hard but was still alive. Caren screamed. I barely remember what happened next. I think she ran for him, to try and help him. And then the snipers got her next. I started shooting at the guard towers with my shotgun I found. I had to be dragged back to the bank. Those bastards shot her and she was trying to help someone.

No date given

Zeds on the attack. Over 100 of them. Wilhelm's idea backfired. bank's burnign, we're bailing out and heading east, try the other side of the quarantine if we make it. I'll write when I get there.

End of Journal

Jack nearly made it to shelter but died trying to save Wilhelm who was wounded by a zombie. Jack later reanimated and was killed by a zombie hunter. His whole team was killed except Sheila Dupree who joined with another group for a while longer before she too was ambushed and killed in a Motel room.