
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 01:25, 6 October 2008 by Surfincow (talk | contribs)
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Surfincow is an unfortunate cow who had a surfboard tied to his back for some reason or another. This surfboard slowed him down considerably, so he was easily picked off by a wandering horde of zombies. He now hungers for brains and finds grazing easiest with his pals, the horde of Undeadites. His stony poker faced consistency quickly brought him up past the ranks of a simple grazing beast to a fearless courageous leader of the Undeadites.

Brainz.gif The Second Big Bash!
This User or Group is a member of The Second Big Bash, and will be coming to your neighborhood soon! Please have lots of fresh brains ready when they arrive with all their friends.
10ksociety.gif 10k Society
This user is a proud member of the 10k Society