Malton Block Party

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Malton Block Party
Abbreviation: MBP
Group Numbers: >9000
Leadership: N/A
Goals: Take a few days off and enjoy ourselves.
Recruitment Policy: Open to everyone.
Contact: This article's talk page.


The first annual Malton Block Party is now officially over! Thank you to everyone who has made it possible, and I hope to see you next year!--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 00:02, 28 September 2008 (BST)

You are invited to the first annual Malton-Wide Block Party!

Come as you are, (Dead, alive, or wanted for murder) it's a casual event. The theme this year will be "Hawaiian", kilts are depreciated. There are no solid plans as far as events go, but there is a high probability of a mud-wrestling match breaking out.

Location- Northwest Stanbury Village, week of September 21st, 2008.

RSVP by carrier pigeon or just show up on the day.


This is a non-partisan event that is open to anyone. It is, of course, open to zombies and PKers, but it would be nice to keep the death toll down. Some people have called me crazy for leaving it open to the public, please don't prove me wrong.

Events Timeline

A few things you may want to check out, but don't feel obliged to attend.

  • Sunday, Sept. 21st - Party begins! Please, cease hostilities. (Or at least don't go below 10 HP)
  • Monday, Sept. 22nd - Nothing.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 23rd - Brief speech in Whetcombe Park, to be followed by marshmallow roasting.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 24th - Note to revivers, check Whetcombe Park for the dead.
  • Thursday, Sept. 25th - Beer-Bottle fight in The Higgs Arms
  • Friday, Sept. 26th - Two for one sale at "Bargain Lamp Depot", Nicholas Mall. (This is not in any way related to the Block Party)
  • Saturday, Sept. 27th - Free-For-All death-watch at the Mansion.