User talk:TeffaBob

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TeffaBob, more like PansyBob

Your attempt to try and scare Diggs was laughable. You can't beat him, or anyone in the RAF for that matter. You can try and pass bringing Diggs down 20hp off as a warning, but it's obvious that you couldn't finish the job so you ran. We are more powerful. We have more resources. If encountered I will bring you downtown to the dog pound. - MachinaeSupr3macy 00:54, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Wow, you really are tremoundously Mature

Just kidding, you sound like you're ten. Sorry if I hurt your feelings with some of my messages, I'm shedding a tear for you =[ - MachinaeSupr3macy 01:10, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

HAY BABE!! luv ya hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo

You're a faggot. Just kidding, saying that would be hypocritical because I sent you hugs and kisses.


well, it's good to know I'm loved by the wonderful folks over at the RAF, lets all sing some chumbaya and drink cider! TeffaBob 01:21, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I just love how sarcastic you are

You not being able to think of a good rebuttal and resorting to sarcasm in every post gets me hot. - MachinaeSupr3macy 01:25, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

oh shit, he's on to me!

Guess it's back to the drawing board old boy, but we'll be back later for the next game of wits and cunning, you sly rascal, you! TeffaBob 01:28, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Your Welcome

I'd just like to tell you that your welcome. Myself had Mortanus had a wonderful time filling you with lead and tossing your body into the streets. I find it funny that you think your giving me a "warning" when it's the other way around. I wasn't boasting, not at all, I was simply telling you that PKing is wrong, obviously your not smart enough to understand that. And your "warning" was laughable, pathetic even. When I first checked up on myself I noticed that you had attacked me and I figured that I was dead. At that moment I thought to myself that perhaps you were smarter than I thought. I quickly retracted that thought when I realized that you had been unable to kill me. Don't try to pass off your lies that it was a warning. Even with two characters working in unison (which is not allowed by the way) you were unable to bring me down. Perhaps you could have though, perhaps you did have anough AP to kill me, in that case what you lack is guts. I suggest that you crawl back to Shearbank and hang out with your friends in DARIS. Whoops I forgot, they were annialated by the SLA. Perhaps we will meet again, though I'll have you know that I have no personal vendetta with you. I killed you because you were a murderer that's all. The fact that you think that your worthy of my revenge simply shows that you have an ego the size of a city. Do yourself and everyone else in Urban Dead a favor and jump out a window, then kindly buy yourself Brain Rot and save me the ammo.

Sincerely, Diggs 01:29, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)


plz don't come get me with a few warning shots plz =[ - MachinaeSupr3macy 01:31, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

No Worries Teffa

As I said no worries buddie.. we have bigger better things to do than worry about you... this isn't personal.. its a clash of ideals... PK'ing and no PK'ing...... just a question... why did you kill morsdraconus? what was it, his name, his level, or do you just like killing people... just wondering how all this crap got started.... personally.... most PK'ing is wrong... unless theres a reason for it.... give me a reason and i'll give you a thank you....... writie back as soon as possible hunny bunch.... love, Mr. Funkerton...

Wow, That Wasn't Just Any Thesis

Hey There My Love Bunny......As long as you had a better reason than doing it for fun. Next time, kill someone else, or someone worse, or someone harder, it looks better, smells better, feels better and all that crap. nice thing that essay was, but i'm bored so all the more for me to do. Feel free to entertain me any time, and by entertain, i don't mean sex. cause that would be weird. Keep up the hustle, but don't go killing people who just talk to you, you gotta have more control than that. And as to the fact, yah this is just a game, so treat it as one, if you wanna go killin people who talk trash, go ahead, just remember that theres probably a better way. Now that the phylosophical crap is done, go on doing whatever you do. Love And Huggles Mr. Funkerton

haha nice work with the names.... and Rainbow what? now that was creative... i expected better from you Teffa, at least get some of the letters right....

Jeez Funkerton are you gay or what. Diggs 04:37, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I would say probably not, he just doesn't have a stick up his ass like you seem to. TeffaBob 04:40, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Wow Funkerton, you really are a lamer. - MachinaeSupr3macy 05:05, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Let's see

I have several points to make, so this may seem a little jumbled: First of all you seem smart enough Teffa, so you should be able to understand my frustration at the fact that Funkerton is a total idiot. You've known him for a day, wheras I've known him for 6+ years, so take it easy. Secondly I am not a douche though I do have a touch eloquence and comprehension, and who's Paul? Another thing is your healing bullets comment. I was at 24 health when I logged on and you had hit me three times with each character, for four hp each time, thus you did a total of 24 damage so I started at 58 hp. I'm also anything but fearless, however, I'm not afraid of you. Machinae Supr3macy jumped to my defence because he is my friend, friends look out for each other, even in absolutely pointless and rediculous online scruffles such as these. As a matter of fact K.Funkerton could learn something from him. Machinae also seemed to be matching you in that argument, though that is beside the point. I'm glad that you realize that your warning was silly and I agree you were being a bit of a mass-faggot, however you have clearly given a valid reason for your PKing and perhaps I myself was a little out of line in killing you. All of the people, except Mortanus (whose a good man by the way), you named as blaming you for PKing weren't members of team Rainbow Shine or whatever the hell it is you said we should change our names too. We're badass enough with an ordinary non-descript name. I doubt very much that I'll ever kill you again if I see you, and hope that you won't kill me. I also noticed that you kept removing the stars from beside your name on the RAF page. If you want them off I'll take your entire name off the list. However you seem like quite a capable player and I was wondering if you would be up to a little challenge? Tell me if your interested.

Diggs 03:30, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)

PS: Sorry if I had my facts mistaken about DARIS's downfall but every source I've read has claimed that the SLA were responsible for their downfall. And also thank you for actually formatting your posts on my talk page correctly, most people seem to have trouble with that.

No, Seriously

I expected better, a two year old could come up with Rainbow Bright..... At Least try to use all the letters... it isn't really that difficult.K.Funkerton 07:33, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Hola Senior, TP for your Bunghole?

Seriously though, Teffa, the only thing I have against you is the PKing. You stop the silly PKing and only kill humans when you are a zombie and everything is fine. I got my revenge on your for your PK so we're even (Just for the record my friend, I only attacked your characters with Mortanus. No one else though yes I do have my other two characters in the same general area but as everyone knows, Stanbury Village is where all the action is therefore all the easy experience points). I have no grudge against you, just some friendly roleplaying and thinking in the spectrum of what a human would do to another human that decided to kill him. If Diggs wants to give you a chance I'm all for having another high level character in the group.

As for you having zombie and human skills, in all truthfullness, you are playing the game correctly. We should all have mixtures of both because all humans die, but it's quite hard to get a revive from another human unless you are lucky or there are revive spots, therefore; it makes perfect sense for you to have both skills. There are going to be points in your character's life where he's going to be stuck a zombie and you have to do something besides sit around and wait for some schmuck to come and revive you. You get some zombie skills, and go help slaughter some humans with the other zombies. Plus it helps make for some interesting things to write about in your little wiki thing. =) -MorsDraconis 12:17, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)


The challenge I was talking about is Ryola. He's a former RAF but he betrayed us because he wants to kill all of Stanbury (by himself). He is not a particularly skilled player however he has gone into hiding and we want him dead. He'd be quite easy to kill if we could get someone to find him. This is where you come in. We currently have info that suggests that he's in Shore Hills but that my be incorrect. If your up to the chalenge it would be appreciated since this guy is a total joker who is just begging for an ass-whooping. Also your quite welcome to return to Daynes Alley as you are now officially off the RAF wanted list. If you wish to tag along for the attack on Roftwood be there at 4:00 Pacifc Time today (Nov. 11)

Diggs 18:15, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)


If your friend wants a revive then tell him/her to get to Wiseman Place. This is right beneath the Mosley Building (a Necrotech Building) in Stanbury.

Diggs 18:26, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)

PS: I guess I should have known who Paul was.

Damn, thanks anyways

I got in the building like a minute to late. Your post confused me because I thought it was from someone else. I think Diggs might come and revive us though.

He's coming now - MachinaeSupr3macy 20:47, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Never mind, it's Ough that's coming, not Diggs. - MachinaeSupr3macy 20:57, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Just so you know we recently found out that Ryola is at the Sweatman Walk PD in Shackleville. We want this bastard taken down. As a matter of fact I'd do it myself but our mission to take back Roftwood is much more important. Take him down and make sure to rub it in his face that the RAF owns his sorry ass.

Good Luck, Diggs 01:32, 15 Nov 2005 (GMT)

The info is 100% i checked up on it myself.


is BobEatBob your character? If so glad to hear it. --Diggs 03:09, 15 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Make sure that when you kill Ryola you point out that he is a dirty PKer and a liar, also make sure to say that the RAF only PKs PKers like him. I don't want the RAF to get a rep as PKers cause we aren't. Ryola however has decided that he wants to sully our reputation by spreading lies. Also when you kill him tell him that Moleman is going to get it too.


Yah kill ryola, he's a grade A dumbass, and dont forget to say something witty about how you owned him, and how he should stop eating babies... he has like 8 in his garage...K.Funkerton 05:02, 15 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Yep, he's in the Sweatman PD. I just scouted myself. - MachinaeSupr3macy 05:37, 15 Nov 2005 (GMT)
Have you killed Ryola yet? Because he semms to be on the move again. I'll scout it out and see if I can find him. -Diggs 01:22, 16 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Well done Teffa I'm glad that you put that bastard in his place. A couple questions though: Where was he? Who was he with? And what was your witty kill line? Again congrats. -Diggs 01:49, 16 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Another one

Got another retard for you to take down Teffa. His name's Flak Fire and he assassinated me on behalf of some "New Council". Take him down as soon as you can, he should be in the Roftwood area since he just assassinated me today. Good luck my friend. -Diggs 03:29, 6 Dec 2005 (GMT)

You are a faggot

If I ever meet you in real life, TeffaBob, I'm going to punch you in the balls. - MachinaeSupr3macy 06:08, 18 Dec 2005 (GMT)