Grandon PD Noise Abatement Society

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From Rhodenbank, from Caiger Mall, brought back from the Second Big Bash, from Kempsterbank and beyond, zombies from all across Malton have come together for one purpose: to take Grandon Police Department in Brooke Hills. The harmanz there have gotten too comfortable with this building being in their hands, and it is up to us, the glorious Barhah bringers, to rip out the sense of peace and ease from this area, and claim it as our own!

Grandon PD Noise Abatement Society
Abbreviation: GPDNAS
Group Numbers: Always on the rise
Leadership: Unknown to most
Goals: The bringing of Barhah to the Grandon PD in Brooke Hills
Recruitment Policy: Any and all who wish for Barhah can join!
Contact: - Our forum

Grandon PD Noise Abatement Society

The Grandon PD Noise Abatement Society is a zombie group dedicated to bringing Barhah to the Grandon Police Department located in Brooke Hills. The group follows the example set forth by the St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society located in Kempsterbank. We undead have grown tired of the rustling about of the harmanz within the PD, and think that it is ridiculous to have three PDs ever so close to each other. What tomfoolery is this? The harmanz should stop being so selfish, and give one up to the glory of Barhah!

The harmanz seem not to know that we are unstoppable. We cannot be stopped, we cannot be killed, we can only be slightly slowed down at best. Grandon is our home and it shall be ours in time. It just depends on how much the harmanz will resist our efforts.


The goals are simple: Barhah in Grandon PD, and to make sure the building will remain in our hands. This can be obtained in two ways;

1) We are let inside the building, and are allowed to remain inside this building, enjoying the rest of our undead ways.
2) By force. If we are not allowed inside the PD, then survivors had better watch out. Expend your ammo, use up your first aid kits, call for help on your radios. Headshot us with as many bullets as you need, for it will not matter. We will be like an ocean of dead, coming and going as quickly as the tides come and go.


We are in the process of recruiting! What do you need to do in order to be a recruit? Be a zombie, and believe, as we believe, that Grandon should be in zombie hands! To officially become a member, please visit and sign up to the forums. We'll process you as soon as we can from there! Barhah to all!


If you happen to be breathing, grab a spraycan and go to work!

"Stop the Noise!"

Are you tired of your zombie alts being shotgunned in the face? Are humans generally being a dick towards your zombie? Are you kept awake at night by loud and rude human's?

Then join the GPDNAS! We patrol the streets of Brooke Hills making it safe for zombie kind. Our dedicated Officers are working tirelessly to bring peace and quiet to the city's streets. But we cannot do it alone. No. We need you!

GPDNAS - "Working for a quieter tomorrow now, so you don't have to."


If you would like to contact us, you can groan towards our direction in game. On second thought, that might not be the best way of handling communications. Instead, why don't you shuffle on over to our forums at [1]? It may be a bit sparse at the moment, but we'll get the fun a-rollin' soon!