Army Of One Love

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Army of one love is a new group created 14 april 2009 by the character doomlancer and is now a small brotherhood of zombie slayers who loves nothing better to kill some zombie butt.

Recruitment Status

The brotherhood is curently open to application.To apply simply head to the north-west side of buckley mall in buttonville and find for surabar or doomlancer then send dem a msg via handphone and a reply will be sent to you as soon as any of us log in.

Curent Members:




-molucco wrathe

Zombie Hunter Status

We honour all those that kills zombie thus we decided to start a special rank system base on zombies killed by a person,everytime a member kills a zombie he is required to send a text message to the leader to be alerted.Those who kill a certain number of zombies are given star ranks as shown below:

1 star - (5 zombies and above)

2 star - (10 zombies and above)

3 star - (15 zombies and above)

4 star - (20 zombies and above)

5 star - (30 zombies and above)

curently due to the lack of members only one member has achived any stars which is doomlancer with 3 stars for killing 15 zombies.the brotherhood score board is as below:

doomlancer- 21 kills (4 star)

surabar- 6 kills (1 star)

Knightly-3 kills

molucco wrathe-New-

Group activity

Curently we are stationed at buckley mall killing any zombies in sight for the safety of the mall and also buttonville.Plans to migrate are on hold until more members join....if they ever do.which pretty much summaries to nothing much.