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Albert Schwan on his "rounds"

Albert Schwan

Self proclaimed head of operations at the new Colglough Building Revivification Research Center. A middle height, middle weight, medium build, slightly tan (not very), middle-aged man of moderate appearance and average looks wearing a grey suit. Born and raised in New Arkham, Albert attended Miskatonic University where he learned to revivify zombies before the original outbreak began. Out of college, he applied for employment with Necrotech where he worked closely with his childhood friend, Sigmund Amenhauser. After the outbreak, Albert spent several months hiding in his desk before finding a "safe-house" within the building. That safe-house was, in actuality, an experimental cryogenic chamber which, once some survivor refueled the generator, caused Albert to be frozen for roughly 5 years. As the building fell and was repaired, the integrity of the chamber became weakened leading to its eventual failure. As he awakened, Albert discovered an Arkham much changed from the one he had known. He decided to set off on his own, only recently arriving in Whittenside where he has battled and bled to re-secure the Colglough building from the undead hoards. Not very good at combat, Albert trusts in his tried and true methods for revivication using Necrotech needles filled with a unique secret formula that he developed while at university. More recently, Albert has started production on a new product line entitled Dr. Schwan's Essentials with products for dashing danger seekers, radiant ransackers, and scientists in the know. Dr. Schwan is even rumored to be working on practical products for the walking dead.

Alberts current projects:


Abnexed Chawan NewWorldGrunt nurrr killthepoodle Ragrim The Good Soldier whitedwaf virus1213

Dr. Schwan's Essentials Product Line


Rottersreliefseal.gif Pro-Life!
This user supports Rotter's Relief's efforts to return Brain-Rotted zombies to the land of the living.
Yankees6.png Member: The Damn Yankees
A group of loosely affiliated survivors dedicated to continuing the fight for a better Malton. Illegitimi non carborundum.
A.s.egraphic.png Dr. Schwan's Essentials
This user proudly wears Dr. Schwan's patented Zombie Repellent Hair Tonic.
Miskalogo.jpg Friend of MU
This user or group supports Miskatonic University