Cockle Cinema

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Cockle Cinema

Mockridge Heights [49,68]

Hucker Lane a carpark a carpark
the Parker Building Cockle Cinema Parris Square
Augarde Lane Graddon Way Snelgrove Walk

Basic Info:

  • Cinemas are "shrouded in darkness" when unpowered.
  • Cinemas are Dark buildings.
  • In the presence of a fuelled portable generator, a Cinema's flavor text will change to one of the following:
    • "…a black-and-white drama film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a recent horror film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…an old horror film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a black-and-white documentary film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a recent drama film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a dramatic science-fiction film still looping silently on its main screen."
    • "…a black-and-white science-fiction film playing on its main screen."

Cockle Cinema



October 24, 2007: The Cockle Cinema became the second destination of the VZW's Film Festival Tour of Malton. After evicting its undead occupants, repairing the damaged seating, cleaning up all the blood, turning the lights back on and heating up the old concession popcorm machine, the VZW presented the first ever showing of The Evil Zed. This film was shot on location in Malton by first time director, Son-of-Sam Raymee.

Tour movie reviewer, Samuel L. Plisken, provides this brief synopsis of The Evil Zed Curiosity overcomes five innocent trenchcoaters vacationing at a cabin in Mockridge Heights’ Tancock Park, and their cellar-snooping unleashes the spirit of the evil Zed – “Gristlemaw” of the Zdz. After all his pals have become possessed, flesh-eating zombies, the one remaining survivor (Deuce Cowbell) tries to solve the nightmarish mystery and save his friends. Spider-Man 13 director, Son-of-Sam Raymee uses impressively outdated special effects to make this low-budget horror classic.

For more information on the Film Festival, visit the official site here: First VZW Malton Film Festival

Stret3.JPG Amusing Location
This location is on the list of Amusing Locations in Malton

Barricade Policy

Cockle Cinema staff request that all patrons help maintain the barricades at VSB.

Current Status

VSB with lights on and 2 survivors inside. The movie Dawn Of The Dead is playing. What fun! 03:32, 27 June 2010

  03:32, 27 June 2010 

VSB with lights on and three survivors inside. --Morotis 22:52, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
October 24, 2007: EHB with lights on and movies playing. --Shazzelim 17:51, 24 October 2007 (BST)

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