User talk:MeesoSorry

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Revision as of 18:21, 28 March 2012 by Son of Sin (talk | contribs) (corrected types)
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Talk to me...or at me...or whatever.

  1. Please put new messages at the bottom.
  2. Try to abstain from dropping copious amounts of profanity. It might be a stretch to say children could be seeing this but I have the mind of a child so that is close enough.
  3. Please sign your posts so if you make some kind of smart/dumb-ass comment I can berate the correct person for it.

Hello, Meeso. I learned of your great sandbox scroll page through Axe Hack's wiki page of advice. Your image is so wonderful; do you happen to recall where you got it? I am studying wiki pages trying to learn enough code to fix my own pages bit. It's been slow going. But, you are an inspiration! Thank you for your time. boocat 12:57, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

I ganked the scroll off Google Image search (it's actually a commonly used image). I'd be happy to upload a version to my sandbox page without the title on it if you'd like to grab it. Also, as you could tell from my plea for help I'm not the best coder on the wiki but I can usually make it do what I want (after much migraine inducing frustration). I also did the pages for Flowers of Decay, Smades and Rob Oppenheimer. Feel free to steal any of my code you'd like, very few things around the wiki weren't stolen from someone else. -- MeesoSorry 16:44, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

tend to the game and not real issues

if you're not a minority in the united states, mind your fucking business. if you are a minority in the united states, you must be a self-hating racist like that fat bitch george zimmerman. go ahead and delete my comment bitch, it's your page but stay off my talk page and i will stay off yours Son of Sin

I don't delete posts on my talk page that I don't like Son. I'm happy to debate anyone on anything as long as they are willing to talk rationally and give reasonable arguments to support their opinions. I think you've already shown you are incapable of doing that but I'll humor you anyway. I'm an American, I assume you are an American and we live in a country with laws. You are proposing we hunt down an individual who may or may not be guilty of a crime and bring him in dead of alive (He killed the boy other than that we know very little about the circumstances). I've got to say that's pretty screwed up. You're the one dropping racist bullshit not me, if I had my druthers the color of your skin wouldn't make a lick of difference and I do everything I can in my own life to push that mentality including calling out friends and family if I hear them saying something counter to my philosophy. You on the other hand are on the side of the New Black Panthers and here's my opinion of them...
If you break it down both groups employ voter intimidation, both boycott business of the races they do not like, and both employ violent tactics and fear. The mentality you ascribe to Son has only one conclusion and that is conflict. Based on what you've posted you've already advocated violence as the best solution despite you absolute lack of clarity on the situation. Quit acting like a fucking victim Son, it sucks balls if you have to put up with shit because of your skin color but do you think being a violent, irrational prick is going to make the world think any better about you? Fix your attitude, work to get along with others regardless of their ethnicity and focus on your family and raising respectful hard working kids. Pull your shit together. -- MeesoSorry 20:55, 27 March 2012 (BST)
fight racism against racism. Black people will never be equal, seen as equal or treated as equal. just look at the bullshit white kids said on twitter about the 2 Black actors in The Hunger Games. Amandla Stenberg (Rue) is 13 years old and white kids were calling her a nigger. Lenny Kravitz is an icon. they both deserve respect! but no, white American kids don't want to see Black actors in what may be the best film in 2012. as i said, fight racism against racism. i'm not even Black but i have a strong hatred for white people because 98% of them are racists regardless of their tolerance for Blacks. these white celebrity bitches are adopting Black kids, WHY? the police are still going to pull them over in Hollyweird. sales clerks are still going to follow them around Saks. beckys are still going to say "wow, your hair is different, may i touch it?" now when Blacks say all white people smell like wet dogs when they sweat or they're out in the rain, that's wrong. when Blacks say all white men have small dicks and all white women have flat asses, that's wrong. when Blacks are shocked that someone with brown skin wins an Oscar, white people think they've done them a favor.

regardless of the details of this Trayvon Martin case, George Zimmerman deserves to die. he got out of his vehicle while talking to a police dispatcher, the police dispatcher told Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon, and Zimmerman ignored the dispatcher because he didn't want Trayvon to get away. Zimmerman wanted to be a cop, and he did what a lot of cops do, used racial profiling and a gun to murder an unarmed Black teenager. if Trayvon punched Zimmerman, it was justified because Zimmerman had no reason to walk up on Trayvon and ask him why he was standing around. if a Black man asks a white kid why he's standing around, the white kid attacks him, and the Black man kills him in self-defense (stand your ground law), the Black man would've been arrested, convicted and sentenced within 30 days in Florida. fight racism against racism. murder the murderers. murdering a murderer is justified homicide and doesn't make the vigilante a murderer. Son of Sin