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1. Never contradict the group's current goal.

It would be hypocritical if we asked you to always be committed to our current activity. If you want to do your own thing for a while, that's all right but stay out of our way when you do. For example, if we're Pking, don't FAK wounded survivors. If we're reviving, don't trench zombies. Simple enough.

2. Be aware of what we are up to in the “Flavor of the Week” forum.

Our goals are changing constantly, and knowing what the pack is doing helps avoid fuck-ups and violations of Rule 1.

3. We honor partnerships and alliances, temporary as they may be.

When we agree to join forces with another group, we will commit to helping and only helping said allies until the operation ends or turns out to be boring or our allies act like dicks. In which case we will give notice of our resignation and our allies are treated like any other group once more (though the odds of us causing trouble are really low if we enjoyed the alliance).

4. Play fair.

While we're not paragons of politeness and courtesy in AZ/DC, we do not take well to the following: zerging, text rape and forum spying. Any members and any allies discovered to be involved in these activities will be disowned and possibly sentenced to death by bears. Big, burly prison showers.

5. We reserve the right to refuse service.

That means if you insist on giving the group more trouble than you are worth, expect to be given the boot (with the force and quantity of the punting determined by the amount of trouble you've caused). Anyone who follows the other four rules and contribute something now and then will be just fine.


  1. No contradicting the goals of the group. Doing your own thing is okay.
  2. Always know what we are up to. Ignorance is not an excuse.
  3. We commit to helping allies as long as the co-op lasts and is fun. (See us for details)
  4. No zerging, text rape, forum spying or extreme douchebaggery. All else is permitted.
  5. We can and will ban troublemakers.


People we kill less

The Discordian Society- Fellow followers of CHAOS.
Angels Wing- For stopping by.

People we kill more

The Abandoned- For being exceptionally rigid and BORING.
Organization XIII- For being exceptionally fun to kill.
Malton Department of Defense- Durn Zombie Spies!

People we may kill, but are guaranteed ONE (1) complementary friendly greeting* before the money shot

Kempy- Because he's Kempy.
Kirsty Cotton- A fellow scholar in the ways of pie. Must...get...last word in!

*Not exchangeable for cash, credit or bling. Some restrictions would apply, except restrictions are for SISSIES .