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In the largely deserted suburb of Dunell Hills, PyroSadist developed his meditations. His meditations drifted until they settled upon the phenomena of the strains of the fuel. He contemplated this marking and how it can only be lost in two ways: the cleansing flame or a swap in the life-death cycle.

Mulling over the meaning of this mark, he partook of a vision quest guided by the fumes of the fuel cans and found Phlogistera, Goddess of Fire. She revealed to him through a vision that just as men shall die and walk the world as undead, so to is the world transformed into ruin through fire and through fire it shall be reborn. She charged PyroSadist with the task of becoming a sacred Fryer and discovering the path to Burnination (and in so doing to Enlighten others to this path).

PyroSadist, therefore, spends his time on a great pilgrimage to understand the whisperings of Chaos and to better understand Phlogistera and the meaning of Burnination.

PyroSadist has supposed a few things. The first is that The Path To Embrace the Cleansing Flame is called Burnination. He reckons that obtaining the stain of the fuel is a blessing and a rite bestowed upon those favored by Phlogistera. This process precedes Burnination and is called Soakenation. Lastly, those who pursue the mysteries of Phlogistera are Fire Cultists. Those who aspire to interpret her will and signs are her sacred Fryers. There are no Fire Priests, as priests denote order and hierarchy--each of which is inherently banal to the individualism and Chaos that is a quintessential aspect of The Path To Embrace the Cleansing Flame.

Mystic teachings shape and call to PyroSadist and inform him where those who are to receive the blessing of Soakenation shall be.