Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team/Industrial

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=The Schwan Laboratories Industrial Line

When researcher and colleague Sigmund Amenhauser approached Dr. Schwan about a new product based on his travels, the doctor was excited to hear of it; however, discovering that it was an industrial solvent for use in clearing roadways, he could not help but hesitate, picturing the Heather propaganda depicting Henry Kissinger ogling flamboyantly dressed construction workers. As Amenhauser explained the process by which this invention could aid the restoration effort, these reservations began to vanish only to be replaced by profound appreciation for the creative application of rot research and the significant way that this discovery could improve the lives of Malton’s construction teams. Reasoning finally that the puerile jabs of his mentally deficient aggressors should not stay the hand of progress, he signed off on the product and launched the Schwan Laboratories Industrial Line: helping those who help Malton…through science!

Current Product Line

=Corpse-B-Gone Road Salt


Developed by D.S. R&D researcher Sigmund Amenhauser

While on his travels in Western Malton, Sigmund Amenhauser encountered a group of individuals called the Locketteside Valkyries. As he observed, he noticed that a heated discussion seemed ongoing between a man named Cipherace, who appeared to have undergone some form of genetic manipulation augmenting his strength and size, and a man by the name of Doc Harmanz. Sigmund, not wishing to appear rude yet extremely curious about their conversation, busied himself with treating some of the assembled survivors near enough to these two so that he could overhear. As he listened, he learned that his original assumption was correct: Cipherace had been the subject of genetic manipulation that had apparently created an instability in his genetic code. The passionate dialogue that had attracted Mr. Amenhauser to them in the first place was aimed at finding a cure to this terminal condition before the victim broke down into a puddle of cellular remnants. Sigmund came to the conclusion that this had to be related to rot virus infection and offered to assist. He extracted a DNA sample, with the permission of Cipherace, and left to examine it in a lab as the hospital facilities were not up to the task. His findings were interesting. The genetic manipulation had caused the body of the subject to secrete an enzyme that bolstered the immune system by attacking foreign cells. At some point, most probably during a stint of zombification, the glands that produced this enzyme became zombified themselves. Not being part of the standard revivification process, this modified gland did not experience revivification with the rest of the body, causing the enzyme it produced to cannibalize other cells. Over the years, the augmented healing shared by Maltonians balanced out this effect, but as time went on, the scales began to tip in favor of the zombified gland. With the help of Dr. Schwan and his other colleagues Sigmund isolated the enzyme and produced a special Necrotech needle to revive the gland. Unfortunately, that needle was destroyed along with the data used to produce it when an organization of retro fashion-challenged clones calling itself the Heathers, attacked and destroyed the building at the behest of the local zombies. What became of Cipherace himself is still unknown, but what did survive was a sample of the enzyme itself and the technology to reproduce it.

Sigmund was able to adjust it to target only inert cells so that it was a threat to neither zombies nor humans. After extensive testing he determined that the substance was now harmless to anything save completely dead tissue. But how to use this to improve Malton? As he paced the streets, the answer struck him hard on the toes of his left foot as he tripped over one of the many corpses that line the streets of Malton. As a public health issue, they had been treated with a preservative by Necrotech scientists years before to eliminate the fetor and disease associated with the fact that that they cannot be properly disposed of. Hopping on one foot, he cursed at the preserved corpse and poured some of the solution on it. It promptly deteriorated into a thin film covering the street on which it had lain. And with that, the idea for Schwan industries’ newest product, Corpse-B-Gone Road Salt was conceived.

To order and use Corpse-B-Gone Road Salt simply copy the code for the following tag to your user page
Dsindust.png Schwan's Industrial
This user is going places thanks to Schwan industries' Corpse-B-Gone Road Salt.

Molibdonite Multi-head Screwdriver


During a period of great unrest in the suburb of Whittenside, The D.S. R&D were called on to assist the Wulves in the nearby suburb of Wyke Hills. To do their part, Dr. Schwan and his team set aside their laboratory apparatus and donned tool belts to bring the suburb back into good repair. Following this, they set up shop in the Wicksted building where they assisted Rotter’s relief with revivification efforts. It was here that Dr Schwan was first introduced to Molibdonite.

A speck of this rather unique substance rode in on the shoulder of one of the zombies seeking a rot-revive. Dr. Schwan approached the zombie to administer treatment and noticed the metallic lump glittering and shifting as the zombie moved through the room, multicolored light from the powered computer screens glinting off the shifting nodules protruding at random from its surface. As he stared fixated, it continued to move, shifting in size between less than a millimeter in diameter and the size of regulation baseball. He moved the needles towards it and noticed that it reacted to the presence of the syringe connected to the powerful NT computers, becoming more rugose as the needle approached and smoothing out as it grew more distant.

Albert was snapped back to attention as the zombie on whose shoulder the metallic object rested bit him in impatience. Hastily, he pried his arm from the zombie’s mouth, scooped the metal into a large beaker, and performed the revivification. The zombie staggered forward, limbs shuddering, and slumping to the floor as if dead. As the contents of the syringe began their slow molecular work, Albert rummaged through the cabinets and in search of some first aid supplies to treat his newly acquired infection. He returned to the lobby of the building just as the revivification process was nearing completion.

The man wiped blood from his mouth and asked to use the facilities. When he returned, Dr. Schwan learned that he called himself iamnotaporpoise. His name and general demeanor demonstrated volatility not unlike the substance he had carried in with him. Attributing this partially to complications associated with brainrot, Dr. Schwan questioned him further, discovering that he was among the last members of a group called Far Systems Ltd: a privately funded organization that had been responsible for the design of several interstellar craft during the early days of the outbreak. The substance was a highly volatile metal called Molibdonite that they had used to construct their crafts. Beyond this, the man could provide little assistance as he hurried away once more to use the building’s lavatory.

During the following month, Dr. Schwan studied the metal sample in private. Chemical analysis determined that it was primarily composed of molybdenum, a rare superconductive metal with an extremely high melting point and a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. It seemed that Far Systems Ltd had discovered a way to create a seemingly liquid mass that was in fact a collection of charged microscopic strands of a molybdenum-tungsten alloy resembling a very fine steel wool. These strands responded to slight electromagnetic currents, polarizing and attracting or repelling each other to create seemingly random shapes. In short, when the substance came in contact with an electromagnetic field, even a slight one like those produced naturally within any given environment, it reacted by expanding and contracting, dramatically changing its surface area while remaining as solid as steel and not changing its mass. The possibilities seemed endless, but how to harness the potential of this discovery?

Deep in thought, Dr. Schwan began some preliminary sketches of potential products--including a design for fluid body armor, a volatile material containment cylinder, and a rather sophisticated can opener—when he was forced to stop as the building was plunged into darkness. Setting aside his notes, he moved to the generator room to find the building staff locked in combat with one of the zombified brainrot subjects who had broken free from the lab. Moving swiftly, Albert opened the storage room and retrieved a generator and fuel. As the staff struggled with the zombie, he began to connect the generator to complex NT equipment, but blood had been smeared across the console on which he had been leaning and he slipped and fell, spilling the bits from his multi-headed screwdriver into the pool of rapidly accumulating blood and gore. He retrieved them but found to his dismay that in the dark they were nearly indistinguishable from each other and too slippery to fit well in the socket. He discarded them.

Breaking the point off two of his NT syringes, Dr. Schwan fashioned them into connectors, inserting one into the equipment and one into the generator, which had been placed on a movable dolly to move it from storage. He walked behind the generator, donned a pair of large rubber gloves, and waited. At this point, the zombie had dragged a lab technician in front of the main NT computer. Dr. Schwan charged, pushing the generator directly at the zombie and sandwiching him up against the computer. The zombie and lab tech he was clutching began to spasm violently as the make-shift connectors punctured the zombie’s flesh and the current traveled rapidly through his rotten bodily fluids. The screens flashed to life and Albert quickly removed a third syringe, connected it to the equipment, and inserted the needle into the base of the zombie’s neck. As the Necrotech solution began its slow molecular work, he moved the generator away from the console, plunging the building once more into darkness.

Having re-secured the test subject, revivified the lab tech, and connected the generator more properly, Albert returned to his notes, pushing aside his previous drafts and beginning the design sketch for the Molibdonite Multi-head Screwdriver.

With only a single bit that changes shape, there is no danger of not being able to find the right bit. Simply set the dial to the desired head pattern and the Molibdonite bit takes on the desired shape. The volatility of the metal is negated by use of the intense localized electro-magnetic field that contains the signal for the desired pattern and is strong enough to override any ambient fields. This field is generated by the emitters near the head and sustained by the fuel cell in back, which is based on the design for an industrial nuclear fuel rod. It has been pointed out to Albert that the design allows the bit to be pried free from the end of the device creating feedback that will cause the device to detonate. When asked by Officer Johnson if this design flaw would enable the device to be used as a bomb or a EM pulse grenade, Dr. Schwan replied “It could if you lacked imagination…but why would you want to?”

To order and use Schwan Industry's Molibdonite Multi-head Screwdriver simply copy the code for the following tag to your user page
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This user believes thousands of dollars for a screwdriver is so worth it when you get the quality of Schwan Industry's Molibdonite Multi-head Screwdriver

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