User:Matt Aries/History Chapter 4

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Behind the Eyes of Madness: The Matt Aries Story
Matt Aries Urban Dead Wiki Page

Prologue * Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6

Story Chat

Dead Matt.jpg
Pain is life. Without the pain you can not truly appreciate the good in life ~ Matt Aries

Chapter 4 Letum

“I fucking got it!”

Aries runs out holding up a rubber chicken by it's neck, and a knife in the other hand doing a jig. Completely oblivious to the ruckus that had occurred outside, that suddenly had stopped, runs face first into the Malton Mob surrounding Maru on one knee.

Five men in black suits, white shirts and black ties turn facing Aries, with shotguns and pistols drawn. Several assorted assault and sniper rifles poke out from the second floor windows of Club Cummings.

“Buon' anima, you know, it's not polite to steal from other people. So, you gots something of ours, so we gots something of yours. You'se guys are makin' a racket bringing in all them Zeds, and we can't have dat when we's bout to have a very important meetin'.”

Blood is all over the New Zealand warriors side. He looks weak, and visibly sweating in the cool air. He drops to the ground now on both knees and vomits on the ground.

“Here is what we's gonna do. My associates and I are gonna have a bit of fun wit youse till our friends show, and then we're all gonna have some fun. What ya say, you wanna have some fun?”

The mob boss turns his head to face the other members with a outstretched arm.

“Our associates SillyLillyPilly, Pathetic Bill, Suburban Ed and the others are a few minutes out. Give me the bat.”

The clown cups his left and holds both hands around his mouth to amplify the sound of his voice. The rubber chicken dangles from his right hand, swinging oddly at the sudden movement.

“Now batting for the Malton Murderers Mr. Shadows”

Aries mocks fake hissing and booing noises.

“If you're batting, I ain't catching, if you get my meaning. HE HE HE HEHEHE!”

“Hey Boss, I uh, I thinks that there is that guy Matt Aries. Ya know what I'm talkin' bout? The Psychonic Clown fellah. Ya know the diment.”

Mr Shadows turns to face the killer again, shakes his head, and looks back at his men. Hands are extremely animated the bat is winging around wildly.

“You means psychotic you jamook facia bruta cafone, you're stupidity is giving me agita. You fuckin' mooleys gonna be the death of me. You fuckin' pucchiacha you wait until now to tell me dis shit. Va fa napole! You're lucky I don't wack you right here! Take dis.”

Aries takes part of his bandages and rips two parts off and stuffs them in his cheeks, does his best Godfather impression, while coping the mobsters hand gestures.

“Fugetaboutit, Pasta fagioli!”

“Youse guys here for the meetin' ? If so you're the first ones.”

Mr. Shadows is interrupted by his men again.

“Looks like da udders are here as wells.”

Everyone turns to see where the mobster is pointing. Walking up the street appears to be thirty plus hippy girls looking exactly the same, a dozen men hidden by the cast shadows of the ruined buildings, and a god like man surrounded by a militia of peasants. This motley group, is book ended by the opposite side of the street where many figures that look very upper class and wealthy come proudly strolling in as well. They are accompanied by cloaked men and women in white masks and holding books.

Tongue sticking out to the side of his mouth to increase concentration, Aries looks down both the left and right street, tilts his head and begins counting on his fingers, than removes his right steel tipped clown shoe and continues ticking a toe each time. The smell of the worn and hole ridden sock wafts over to the mob, and there is a visual disgust on their faces.

“What's after potato? Oh right, seven. Well, um, there's a lot more then seven. So I'm gonna get my friend that you have now and -”

“You aints wit any of dese groups for the truce is you?”

Aries begins to act all uppity and snotty. Walking about with his nose in the sky, he watches out of the corner of his eyes as Mr. Shadows motions for a shotgun from one of his men.

“I believe you meant to say 'You are not with any of the lesser folk' meeting for a truce agreement.”

A blast from a shotgun makes it's impression on a bit of concrete wall next to the psychotic clown, who stops, looks at them all seriously, then switches personalities again back to the Guido.

“Hey oh! I'm walkin' here!”

A glock 17 on full auto sounds off a volley of shots, and suddenly members of Redrum, Philosophe Knights, Creedy Guerrilla Raiders, Flowers of Decay, Legends of Darkness, and even those unaffiliated with a organized group are all running in shooting at one another. Even the Malton Mob is confused as chaos erupts all around. The sound is deafening and can be heard for miles around.

Bullets ding against objects, and wiz past Aries' ears. Mass confusion is causing him to shoot towards everyone and even shoots himself in the shoulder in error.


He ducks a swinging axe blade, but then grabs the attacker in a white mask and uses him as a shield. The cloak catches fire from the flare gun, and quickly is kicked away.

“Toasty! HEHEHE! Fatality!”

Someone yells from the crowd of attackers.

“Molly! NO!”

A woman dressed in all black with a white painted face charges at Aries. He rolls back and picks up a pistol from a man who recognizes the clown, and with the mans last breath whispers.


The woman attacks silently from behind using a balloon sword. She wordlessly mocks him by shadowing his movements and when possible uses her sword to smack him in the head.

“Seriously? Even I think that's annoying.”

Caught off guard, this pantomime strikes with a fencing foil that is razor sharp stabbing him in the left shoulder.

“Get bent! You bloody wanka!”

Two in the chest and one in the head, the silent killer flies backwards into a trio of hippy sisters. One of the sisters turns and hisses, then yells.

“That's Matt Aries! Get em!”

He is surrounded by what appears to be mirror images of hippy girls all wearing a bikini top with hemp pants. He is being battered from all sides.

“Whatever happen to peace love and happiness? Well, can we settle for just sex? No strings attached? I don't wanna get that knock years from now from some kid saying 'Are you my daddy?' HAHA... Ouch! Quit that! Ouch quit it! Fine want it that way, well I like mine metal!”

A mosh pit erupts, knocking back SillylillyPilly, and her carbon copies. He pushes one and reaches for a knife as it slips from her grip. Holding the blade inverted, blade against his forearm he rushes into another, and slices at the throat. Blood covers several others blinding them from their next attack.

“Let's turn this up! How about a bit of a hardcore punk style!”

Aries turns and follows with a backfist, breaking a unfortunate jaw. A roundhouse kick snaps a neck of another.

“Oh-hoh-hoh-hoah! Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting. Those kicks were fast as lightning.”

Arms windmilling, could not fend off the punch to the gut. He doubles over and watches as a shadow of a ax wielding attacker launches into the air. Before the deadly blow lands, a shot finds it's mark and explodes out of her chest. Her face smacks the street and skids to a fatal stop.

A woman's voice shouts out, and starts giving orders to other unseen assailants.

“GOGOGO! Remember your training!”

Five other hippy girls dive and pile on followed by others. He buckles under the weight, as more and more stack on top. Each of the girls takes shots at him when possible.

The mound begins to move and slightly rise, falls, and without warning explodes, bodies falling to the ground. A roar echoes as Aries stands posing to flex his muscles.


KristioftheDead shakes her head in absolute embarrassment, while watching Aries attempting to rip off his top, and flailing on the ground like a turtle on it's back.

“Father Thompson take your squad over there, and create a choke point. Divide and conquer! Winnan, flank left, Dr. Wolf triage at The Raymond Building, FortKnox, your group, The Saints, and Xtreme take the center and hold. Undead or alive ladies and gents. None of these bastards leaves here.”

“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!”

Kristi smacks the clown across the face hard, for being beat on by a balloon sword.

“Knock it the fuck off you idiot! You do that again, I don't care I'll shoot you dead, then stab you in the eye and leave it there as you revive. You understand?”

“All I wanna know is when do I get to ride the pony?”

He hops away like a bunny, and then get's back into the fight.

“What a psycho!”


Pure anarchy is all that can be seen. Necrotech needles, and empty shell casings liter the ground. The occasional fire dots the battleground.

The fighting had drawn the attention of Rotters, and those that have died in combat on both sides had begun to rise. Several blocks now are in combat. The Raymond Building was lit and powered by DEM members to have a fresh supply of needles coming for those in need.

A man sits at the radio transmitter tuning it. “Hunker down fellow survivors, it's time for another episode of Radio Survivor, the buccaneer of the mic, corsair of the air waves, and briggon of the radio band with your host 'Uncle Zeddie'. Today I am broadcasting from Shackleville to bring you war. Seems there was a truce agreement that was to be made by what appears to be all of the lesser types in Malton, this however did not go as planned. Seems while DEM and other forces were hiding and buying their time, an unknown chaos factor threw a monkey wrench into the plans, which caused an all out war on the streets a few blocks from me. So here I sit with some members of DEM's Forensics Unit to warn you all things are going to get a bit more crazy and if by chance you are in Sha … AHHH!-”

An ax is thrown through the air and penetrates the broadcasters back who slumps over then looks to his attacker and says;

“Well played Vandr, well played.”

Uncle Zeddie falls lifeless to the floor.

“A sacrifice for the gallows-god.”

“Shoot him, don't let him get away!”, states BriAnna Blackmoor, as she leans over and jabs a needle into the neck of Michael “Uncle Zeddie” Corsair.

“This is getting bad, they are getting closer to here. Not sure how much worse this can get. It's crazy.”, a panicked voice yells over the radio and echos threw the halls of the Necrotech building. Gunfire and fighting can be heard in the background.

“Death Cultists Gore Corp is leading a hoard of undead South from Ridleybank and looks like the Feral Undead are massing and heading West as well. They should be hitting you in AHHHH! - ”

A gunshot is heard, and someone else gets on the radio.

“Que Pedo? , this is Bullgod, and if you can hear me, run for your chingo lives. I'm coming and I'm bringing the pinche F.U.!”

“Well that's just fuckin' great!”

BriAnna throws her hands up in the air in disgust, and walks off to the elevator to see how the next batch of needles is coming.


He loads a new clip into his pistol, and loads a round in the chamber. Aries looks over at Maru, who is also crouched behind a wall of a ruined building. The Maori is wrapping his arm but is still weak from the infection.

“You want me to suck out the poison? AHHH HAHAHA!”

Maru musters up the strength to flip off Aries. He reaches for his greenstone weapon. Flashes a smile and runs out into combat

“Die with honor Bob!”

Happy the sniper of Cerberus Company who is purched on a roof notices Matt Aries running from out of the building. Before he can act a bullet explodes out from his left eye from Pathetic Bill who just slipped onto the roof from a fire escape.

“Our outpost in Crowbank is gone, last intel stated we have zeds moving in from the East as well as the North. Stick to the South and West sides and put all those damn killers between you and the zombies. We are pulling back to your coordinates as the Feral Undead are about one niner blocks out. Our E.T.A. is five minutes, Over.”

Bill grabs for the binoculars around the snipers neck and pushes the body off the ledge, killing a Redrum member who is mowing down others with a thompson .50 caliber assault rifle. Casually strolling to the other side of the roof he looks through the lens, and notices a cloud of dirt about twenty blocks away. Only a mass number of undead can kick up that amount of dust into the air. Turning he looks to the North and sees another cloud, this one is at least four times bigger. He smiles a wicked grin and moves for the fire escape, and quietly heads off to the SouthWest.


The gun misfires, quickly Aries hammers in the nose bone of someone named Blanemcc several times with the handle, while holding him by the colar. The cheekbone shatters as the head is pulled backwards. Already dead, the clown doesn't care as the blows continue. The spine snaps and arcs oddly at a right angle backwards. The gun fires unexpectedly spinning a militia member like a top before they can make a final swing on a down and out Axes High member.

“Did I do that?”

He drops the body absent mindedly, giggles and snorts doing his best to impersonate an old sitcom nerd. Laughing at his own joke he unexpectedly turns to a gaping mouth of a recently undead member of the Malton Mob.

“You dirty boy, not on the first date.”

Brains pop out of it's skull casing due to the volocity of the bullet that entered under the chin.

“Do I make you horny, baby, yeah, do I? I make you randy yeah baby."

Several moans echo from up the street to the North. A hoard of zombies part the fighters as those that can, run from the numbers advancing on them. One Redrum member known as Misanthropy is grabbed by several different arms and pulled in different directions. His body gives to the amount of pressure, and is ripped apart while screaming.

Caught in the shock, Goolina takes the moment to down several members of DEM, a Malton Marshal, and even Hibernaculum who was an occassional ally is shot in the neck and goes down. This cultist leads her undead into the heart of the battleground. The swarm decimates everything possible that is standing in the way.


Bullets rain down from the rooftops at the zombies, and psychopaths below. A member of The Saints, Ciscokitty leads the charge of gunfire, but is then taken out by several shots from behind. The others on the rooftop turn to battle their flank.

“YEEEAAAH BOOOY!” shouts a man with a giant clock around his neck, and sporting a tophat, who looks on at the number of zombies and others laying dead.

“Oh hell no! Shut the fuck up!”

Aries empties the remainder of the clip into him, but notices from the East, someone blindly firing behind as they run away.


He giggles at his own comment before getting toppled over by a zombie in a suit. Holding his right hand around it's neck, and the left grabbing it's hair.

“What's that! Timmy fell down a well? What ever will -”

Aries begins to cough and gag at the undead breath.

“Seriously man, banacca spray will do wonders for you.”

A loud pop and a crack, the body falls limp and ragdoll like, head landing at a odd angle due to the broken spine.

Getting back to his feet he watches as Club Cummings falls apart and spews out zombies from every opening. Aries is running before he can walk, leading to a mistep stumble, where he curses the ground he just passed.

Running through the park, panic and fighting surrounds him, and he can do nothing but giggle at the events that had unfolded. He stops to take it all in and realizes things would have been majorly different if it wasn't for him, while scanning the surrounding area for a weapon. Then it dawns on him, the rubber chicken. Where is it? The last he knew it was in his hand. What happened to the chicken. A man jumps out of a third floor window from The Baskcomb Museum and lands on Aires.


Aries wakes trying to free himself of the man that landed on him. He notices the luchador mask and instantly knows this man is Bullgod. He is dead, but for how long. How much time till he reanimates as undead? Then the other senses kick in, gunfire, fire, maoning, screaming, many other people dying, He gets to his feet and takes a look around and wonders was this what it was like when Malton fell? Absolute panic everywhere.

A hand grabs his ankle and tries to lurch forward. Bullgod has risen and behind him is a horde of undead closing in. The undead skull is caving in more with each stomp of Aries's foot. His thought is where is the shoe? This leads him back to where is the rubber chicken.

He reaches to his right side for his pistol. Nothing is there, he is weaponless. Aries takes off running West back towards the club, looking for something that can be used as a weapon. He notices a pistol and rolls towards it while dodging an arm of some undead.

With a single action he grabs for the gun, gets back to his feet, and fires at the rotter. Nothing, the gun is empty. In disgust he throws the useless weapon at the body, and runs off looking for something else. An explosion sends a concussion blast throwing Aries through the air, landing hard on the concrete sidewalk. Beside him is a slightly burned rubber chicken.

“Sir Cluckington Von Bokkenheimer III! Oh how I missed you! Are you ready for some cock fighting? What's that? Oh you are so dirty Bokkenheimer, I didn't mean like that. You dirty bird you.”

Maru is facing the brunt of the undead army and holding his own, until he notices Goolina dripping in her own blood stab the warrior in the kidney, and then swing her axe several times at his colar. Maru takes his greenstone and lunges it deep into the cultists gut, turning in to allow more of a grievious wound. He smiles spits at her and curses, as life fades from the titan.

This wound means little to her, as a cultist she is returning to her undead brethren. She laughs, as she drops to a knee pouring blood on the street. In a final act of defiance, she raises her hands high around her knife, and drives it deep into his eye, then lay dead on his body.

It feels as if he is not running at all. It plays like slow motion to the clown. There is nothing funny found at he watching his only friend fall. It is a odd sensation for Aries to think of another person, one he barely knows, but he knows deep down if it wasn't for his actions this could have all been avoided. A fading thought, could this be Matt placing blame? If so he would deal with him afterwards.

After what seems to be a lifetime, he reaches Maru. He grabs the cultists hair and tries to throw her body from his fallen friend, but she had already reanimated. She grabs for him, moaning, jaw snapping at a chance for a bite. Aries turns and lands several blows to it's left eye to no avail.

The furious attacks mean nothing to the undead, they persist, and Goolina is no different. Aries reach and grabs her neck with his left hand squeezing ever tightly, at the frustration and anger. He glimpses for Maru but, there is no body where it should be. Where he is, is mingled within the hoard. Aries failed, he allowed his friend not only to die, but to be undead.

A rage builds within him. Grabbing Goolina under the jaw, he pulls hard rips and breaks it loose. No longer a real threat to him, he grabs both her arms, jumps kicking in the chest and tearing both arms from the body. The body falls back and Aries pounces on her. In a instant he pounces on her and unleashes all the anger until bone splinters and becomes dust.

With all the adrenaline he doesn't feel the scratching, nor the first bite, but the pain slowly builds, and the world goes dark around him.


Chapter 5