Earletown Rangers

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Earletown Rangers
Zombra's pub rangers1.jpg
Abbreviation: ER
Group Numbers: 5-6
Leadership: Taco2
Goals: Securing the Suburb of Earletown, healing and reviving allies, maintaining the surrounding barricades and radio posts
Recruitment Policy: By invitation only
Contact: http://rhvp.oniwabanshuu.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=5



We are currently actively seeking recruits to join the Earletown Rangers.

Any interested recruits please leave your name and information on the discussion page.


Esprit de Corps, Esprit de Corpse




This small paramilitary group's mission is threefold: 1) Conduct recon patrols along the border and inside neighboring suburbs, 2) protect survivors currently living in Earletown, 3) Conduct long-range missions to gather rare supplies, such as radio transmitters.


File:Zeke.jpg When the incident took place in Malton, Suzy "Taco" Scopes was still a young girl. She quickly learned to hide and find resourceful ways to survive. One day while sleeping in thé attic of her grandfather "Zeke's" home she heard a terrible scratching and banging on the attic door. Knowing it wasn't a good idea, but having watched too many Scooby Doo cartoons, she cracked open the door. Horrified, she stumbled back and tumbled head over heels into a box of Christmas garland. There was Grandpa Zeke--his body half eaten, covered in grave mold and riddled with worms! She thought this would be the terrible end for her, but Zeke did not advance futher. He just pointed with a skeletal finger to an olive-drab footlocker in the corner of the attic and gently swayed.

Even in death there was something still gracious about Granpapy Zeke. Suzy carefully stood back up and side-stepped over to the foot locker. On the top was stenciled in fading yellow paint, "Ssgt Scopes, US ARMY RANGERS." Opening the box, she discovered it was full of Grandpapy's WWII memorabilia. Her intent curiosity helped diminish the moans of the undead mobs mixed with the terrified screams of unfortunate survivors that filled the cold dark air outside. She found a rusting German MP-40, a .45 automatic, a moth-eaten garrison cap, and a bunch of black and white photos of Zeke as a young and courageous soldier. In a small box was half a dozen colorful medals. At the bottom of the box, rolled up in a tube, she found a "Ranger" patch and a copy of the "Ranger's Creed."

Looking up she saw her rotted corpse of a grandfather beginning to turn back towards the stairs. She yelled, "Grandpa Zeke, wait!" Zeke stopped and turned, his hollowed eyeholes staring off into infinity. Suzy rose and walked over to the old desicated corpse she had once loved. She carefully pinned the medals she had found in the footlocker to the torn remnants of his suit. Suddenly, she heard a sound, which could have only come from the depths of the zombified veterans forlorn soul, for he no longer had any semblance of a throat. The sound was an unmistakable..."HOO RAH!"

As Grandpa Zeke's animated corpse jostled down the stairs and back into the street, the young girl knew that she must carry on. Since Nov. of 2009, the Earletown Rangers under the command of the resolute and unassuming girl with red hair, called "Taco," have been doing their best to organize Earletown and keep it safe for innocent survivors. Their training and dedication to the mission is so strong that even dead Rangers, affectionately known as 'Zekes' will fight for their comrades and their mission with the same unwavering loyalty and determination.

Ranger Creed

All Rangers are guided by the following rules:

Remain Alive - Otherwise known as the "Golden Rule" - if you die, it takes a great deal of effort to revive you and other Rangers must be diverted from their missions.

Always Follow Orders - Only act independently when you are forced to do so in order to follow the first and last Ranger rule.

Never shall I fail my comrades - When assigned to act alone, report your position on the Ranger Log daily.

Gallantly will I set an example for others to follow. My courtesy to superior offices, fellow Rangers and other survivors shall be remarked by all.

Esprit de Corps/Esprit de Corpse. I shall complete my mission to the best of my ability, whether I be alive or undead.

Remain Alive.

Notable Operations and historic actions

Firefly.jpg Operation Lightning Bug - (12 Nov.-12 Dec., 2009): Reclamation and Restoration of Zombra's Pub and the suburb of Earletown. This operation contributed considerably to confusing the remaining zed forces and permitted the suburb's resource buildings to remain unmolested long enough to recover. All those who participated in this operation are hereby awarded the "Firefly" campaign medal.

Candyc.jpg Operation Candy Cane - (20-28 Dec.,2009): Began in Yagoton where the Rangers were conducting Long-Range operations for supplies. Concluded with a sweeping operation along 5 suburbs for a dramatic arrival in Earletown on the 27th of December whereby the Rangers restored both Claire Hospital, several factories, and reclaimed the Acourt Arms. All those who concluded this operation are hereby awarded the "Candy Cane" campaign medal.

New Years' Eve Ambush, 2009 - Team was caught by a zed ambush at a hospital in Rhodenbank, Lt., and 1st and 3rd squads bought the farm.


Scáthach Platoon

Platoon Commander

Photo Dossier: On Extended Leave


File:Butterbar.jpg Lieutenant Taco2
Joined: 10 Nov. 2009





Notes: Giddings, Bale, 7 Revive, 2 Ded Zed

Platoon First Sergeant

Photo Dossier - BILLET EMPTY



1st Recon Squad "Feuerkraft"

This squad is dedicated to mobile combat and intel. These Rangers carry pistols, shotguns and as much extra ammo as possible. The squad is assisted by a military dog.

Photo Dossier: On Duty SQUAD


File:Wo2.jpg WO Maj Alan Schaefer
Joined: 11 Dec. 2009




Notes: K-9 Handler, Revives 1

File:E2ek9.jpg "Shempy"
Joined: Jan. 5, 2010



Recruit1.jpg Recruit



2nd Engineering Squad "The Hellions"

This squad is dedicated to engineering tasks, especially repairing and recading buildings under Ranger control. These Rangers are lightly armed, carrying only a single pistol and ammo. Their weapon of specialty is the flame thrower. They are well equipped with toolboxes, generators, crowbars and extra fuel.

Photo Dossier: On Duty SQUAD


File:Wo2.jpg Sergeant Ed Zeplin
Joined: 15 Nov. 2009





Notes: 13 Revives

Recruit1.jpg Recruit



Recruit1.jpg Recruit



3rd Medcom Squad "Para curar"

This squad is dedicated to combat medical support. These Rangers armed with only an ax, but are heavily supplied with FAKS (First Aid Kits).

Photo Dossier: On Duty SQUAD


File:Wo2.jpg WO HiteiKan
Joined: 11 Nov. 2009



File:Halfwhite.jpgReconranger.jpgLeadership.jpgAsm.jpg Streaker.jpgMrrr.jpgJsma.jpgRecruit.jpg

Notes: JSMA for service with the RHVP in Rolt Heights

Recruit1.jpg Recruit



Recruit1.jpg Recruit




The Reserves are for more casual players who may not be able to log on as often as required for more active missions. Reservists generally maintain safehouses, give radio messages and conduct short-distance patrols inside Earletown, rarely leaving the suburb. Members can request Reserve status at any time. Regulars who don't report into the Ranger Log for more than 2 weeks will automatically be transferred to the Reserves. Reservists who do not report in to the Ranger Log for more than 1 month will be purged from the Roll.

Reserve Platoon Commander:

Recruit1.jpg Recruit



Reserve Roll, including MIA

Photo Dossier - MIA


File:E8b.jpg Master Sergeant OAM
Joined: 20 Nov. 2009




Notes: JSMA for service in support of the RHVP in Rolt Heights Kills: 2

Color Codes: Gold = Ranger Commander, Green = Squad Leader, Black = Ranger operating autonomously, Blue = Reservist

Earletown Rangers/Medals and Decorations

Earletown Rangers/Rank Guide


Zombra's Pub - Very close

Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol - Very close

Rhodenbank Civil Defense Patrol - Cordial

Dulston Alliance - Member

Damn Yankees - Cordial

BOW - Little contact

THEM - Cordial - http://chancelwood.110mb.com/chat.htm

Malton Rangers - Under negotiations

Honorary Rangers

(Bestowed upon those who do something trenchtastic for the Rangers, or to memorialize those who served and who are now gone)


Sgt. Erickson


Fat Loser


We don't got no stinkin' Nemesisisses...


Because of the Ranger Creed, we do not accept players dedicated to the philosophy of "Dual Nature."