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What's this?

You hear very loud screaming and yelling down the street.
Hiding behind a corner, you look outside to see what's going on.
In the distance you see three hooded silhouettes throwing Molotov cocktails into buildings.
Pulling out your binoculars, you see they're all wearing gas masks.
As they walk closer to you, you hear them laughing hysterically.
The chaos following them is unbelievable.
Turning to put your binoculars away, you feel a cold hand on your shoulder.
The cold fingers leak through your entire body, sucking the warmth from you completely.
Turning, you're face to face with a gas mask.
There's an evil fog inside the lenses.

Suddenly you're on the ground, looking up at the figures.
All you hear is laughing.
You black out and only see the letters NWO