In Our Own Words
Seductive dictatorship of shotgun intervention // "PKer politics? That's when you bite someone to death, right?" // oh god, you want me to write something?!? D: // "Feeling up women/men (as desired) while throwing bowling balls" // I feel that answer may not have been what you desired // It put seduction and sexiness back into death and mayhem // We kicked ass! Also, we were as cool as penguins. // 10 words or less? How can I describe how awesome— // SNAPPING, BUNNIES, TWITCHING, GURGLING, FORGET THE BOMBS IN YOUR EYES // I'm not drunk enough for this // The complete game experience, with some of the best people // The masters of killing so many with... not very many.
In They're Own Words LOL
27.77 MHz: "Tarasius Hospital has fallen to a massive Pker attack." (1 minute ago) // That looked like so pretty organised attack on Tarasius last night. Carnage! - Egon // Yup we got PKed good there - neoboy // Wow, pretty massive strike! Candy Thief, Plinkton, Julie Marsh and Jim Mclusky all took me down (because I'm double hard lol). - Dekez // I nipped out over to Herbert to grab some ammo, fell asleep there and woke up to carnage at Taur, looks like I made a lucky escape. - PaulyD // That was ridiculous >_> Came on this morning Taursis had been stormed in one go by about 30+ Zeds who had all jumped up and 6-10 pk'ers. Place wiped out in one night of blood lol. - No1newts.