St. Alcuin's Church

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St. Alcuin's Church
Visited by The Scourge
D M Penfold (talk) 20:08, 23 November 2024 (UTC)
St. Alcuin's Church

Quarlesbank [26, 5]

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Heward Square St. Alcuin's Church a cemetery
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Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.


A rather pretty little pre-seventeenth century church. Both sides have 2 large stained -glass windows depicting scenes from the 10 biblical plagues form the book of Exodus, and the big wooden front door is embedded with an unusual ornate carving depicting a central circle surrounded by an equilateral triangle, each of its points surrounded by a bigger circle whose circumference touches that of the central circle. There are also three small circles that adjoin the bigger ciclres outside of the triangle.


Barricade Policy

VSB++ at most times, but up to EHB during serious outbreaks.

Current Status

08:03, 30 June 2009 (BST) You are inside St Alcuin's Church. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. --William talk

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