The Linnett Museum

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The Linnett Museum
--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 14:09, 11 January 2023 (UTC)
The Linnett Museum

Grigg Heights [4,52]

Wrentmore Bank Grey Bank Abney Boulevard
Victor General Hospital The Linnett Museum Adam Plaza
McGarth Plaza Redfern Boulevard Pople Street

Basic Info:

  • Museums have a wide range of different collections and exhibitions, although previously they were not lootable. Nowadays, different decorative items may be found there.
  • Generally, the descriptions found in Museums fall along the lines of "…currently displaying a(n) exhibition/installation/collection of _____________"
  • Museums can be barricaded normally.

The Linnett Museum


A fire-damaged white-stone building which has partially collapsed.


The Linnett Museum is an abstract art museum. On 15 June, 2007, QSG archaeologist buddhagazelle collected eight abstract paintings here in twenty-five searches.

Barricade Policy

Current Status

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