The Linnett Museum
Grigg Heights [4,52]
Basic Info:
- Museums have a wide range of different collections and exhibitions, although previously they were not lootable. Nowadays, different decorative items may be found there.
- Generally, the descriptions found in Museums fall along the lines of "…currently displaying a(n) exhibition/installation/collection of _____________"
- Museums can be barricaded normally.
Center Of Learning
This location qualifies as a Center of Learning & is considered a neutral zone for all the supporters of this policy. According to the policy, libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy.
The Linnett Museum
A fire-damaged white-stone building which has partially collapsed.
The Linnett Museum is an abstract art museum. On 15 June, 2007, QSG archaeologist buddhagazelle collected eight abstract paintings here in twenty-five searches.
Barricade Policy
Current Status