501st U.S. Army Battalion/Ranks
The 501st U.S. Army Battalion runs on a specific rank system as follows:
[Rec] Recruit
[SPE] Specialist, Pick one of the following. Combat Engineer, Combat Medic or Main Army
[Pvt] Private
[PFC] Private First Class
[Cpl] Corporal
[Sgt] Sergeant
[SSgt]Staff Sergeant
[Lt] Lieutenant
[Cpt] Captain
[Mjr] Major
Civilian Council Member
Officer of the Civilian Sector (OCS) Marshal
Head Researcher
Science Sector Council
Rank Insignia
The insignias are a kind of service record. Here are some abbreviations for different ribbons:
WM = Weapon Mastery (All advanced firearm skills)
HH = Hand to Hand Mastery (All melee skills)
FR = Fitness Skill
SR = Sniper Ribbon (Headshot Skill)
RO = Radio Operation Skill
ER = Engineer
FM = Field Medic (First Aid and Diagnosis Skills)
RSM = Recon Specialization
PH = Purple Heart (Go beyond your duty and face odds certain in your death. Can only be awarded by High Command)
VR = Valor Ribbon (Accomplish something outside of your duty. Can only be awarded by High Command)
Year = Years of service in the 501st.
Status = Active/Retired/Dead