AMC Victimization/AMC's Malton survival manual

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AMC established 1999

Information in this report has been gathered from experience and general operating practices of AMC Victimization as well as from reading the urban dead wiki and gathering information AMC Victimization believes to be the most useful and important to survival in Malton. There are various links to pages that have long been part of the urban dead wiki that others have made available to the urban dead community. It is meant mainly to be a manual for new members of AMC Victimization to read through to learn the ropes with as little difficulty as possible and without me having to write the same things every time we get a new member. However any group or player, especially those that are new to the game should be able to find this useful. Thanks to everyone who contributes to the urban dead wiki for providing information used to compile this report as well as any information that is not covered or linked to this page. Speacial thanks to the Bandit Queens for watching our backs while our team moved into Brooksville and the surrounding area and teaching us important anti zombie strategy. Also props to TZH for bringing me back to life a lot back when I first started out and for being huge supporters of the survivor cause.

-Mr Victimization

Useful Game Information

  • A map of Malton is available at
  • You can find your user ID # by going to your profile page and checking the url. It will look like this:, the ?'s will be numbers. The number is your ID #. You can place any other players number into that url and it will take you right to their profile to allow you to easily add them to your contacts.
  • Cemetaries around Malton are widely recognized as sacred ground and are revive points for zombified survivors.
  • GPS Units are useless
  • Make sure that you are inside a building when you go to sleep. Your character stays right where you left him, even when you aren't logged on. Sleeping on the street is suicide in most instances.
  • If you don't have Basice Firearms Training then don't fire your gun. You are not likely to hit anything so you might as well save the ammo until you know how to use your gun.
  • Get Freerun first.
  • Flak jackets are only good against bullets, hand to hand weapons cut right through them so don't expect them to help you against zombies. Also you can only wear one at a time and you put it on automatically as soon as you pick it up. Once you have one on, go into your settings and uncheck it on your search list because you can only have one on at a time. If you carry any more than that then you are just being an ass.
  • Shooting zombies is fun and it makes for good experience but remember, they always get back up. Don't waste your AP killing large hoards of zombies outside buildings that you are trying to defend. Keep the barricades up and let them waste their AP getting in. If they do, then it is time to put them down and dump their bodies. To beat the undead, stop their momentum and break their spirit.
  • Becareful who you revive. Not every player is going to be greatful to you. Some will kill you because that is what they do and others will get into your base and bring down your barricades to let the zombies in because they are zombies at heart. Read the profiles of those you DNA Extract and know who you are reviving.
  • Go into your settings and put some clothes on. Nudity isn't going to protect you from hungry zombie bites.

Character Classes

  • There are three different classes of survivor characters that offer discounts on and increased costs to the XP need for certain skills. Each class has it's own subsets that start with a different skill. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses to each character class is important to developing a strategy in dealing with zombies as well as what skills to get and when to get them. This information will help you determine what class is right for your style of play.
  • For detailed information on each character class and what to expect from each read the Character classes pages on the wiki that have been provided by other urban dead wiki contributers.

Items and weapons of Malton

  • Items have a variety of uses depending on what they are, and some like the Crucifix are useless, "just like in real life". Weapons are all about doing damage, some better than others. The Crowbar is also useful for lowering barricades.
  • For a list of locations and uses of the most useful items check out the Useful Items page of the wiki, for information on other items found in Malton check the Assorted/Misc Items page, and for decorative items for you to jazz up your living area check out the Decorative Items page. all made available to you thanks to other contributers of the urban dead wiki.
  • For info on firearms including, locations, ammo information, etc. check out the Firearms page and to learn about the many melee weapons available read the Melee Weapons page of the wiki. All made available to you thanks to other contributers of the urban dead wiki.

AMC's most important skills to learn as a survivor in Malton

  • Everyone has their own style of playing and as such will want to go either one of two routs with their early XP. AMC recomends that you try to be as well rounded as possible, but depending on which style you like and/or which class you pick these are the skills that we believe are the most important to get in the order that we tell our people to get them:

Skills for the young Zombie Hunter

  • For players who like to go in killing first, AMC Victimization recomends that you're first few levels go as follows to get the most XP and skills as fast as possible as well as become as useful to your fellow survivors as you can be ASAP:

(1) Freerun - If you didn't pick the scout as your class then this should be your first skill. No matter what class you have or what style you like, in todays Malton you will need this skill if you want to get anywhere worth getting. This is even more true in very dangerous suburbs where survivors barricade the hell out of their hideouts, and for damn good reason and in really safe burbs where the locals tend to over barricade.

(2) Hand to hand combat - for the fighters out there if you didn't pick a class that started with a melee combat skill, this should be the second most important thing on your to do list. Shooting things is great and can drop zombies faster than hacking them with a knife or and axe, however you aren't likely to have ammo all the time. not having to search for anything to get a kill makes a huge difference in a zombie encounter. You can gain XP quickly with an axe and some hand to hand combat skill.

(3) Axe or Knife Proficiency - Once you have hand to hand it is time to get a mastery over whatever is the hand to hand weapon of choice for you. The axe is more powerful but the knife is more accurate. Either way getting the most out of your weapon will allow you to kill zeds easier and faster which will allow you to gain XP faster to allow you to gain other skills.

(4) Construction - Now that you can kill zombies and don't need to find anything to do it you can get into skills that will help you protect yourself as well as other survivors. Constuction allows you to build barricades and if you want to stay a survivor and not hunger for the living then you are going to need barricades. Being able to build your own means not needing another survivor to supply you with a safehouse. Also if you carry a toolbox in your inventory then you will be able to repair ransacked buildings which is very handy in suburbs where the zombies are destroying potential safe sleeping areas. Other survivors also love having a safe place to rack out and early on the more friends you have the better.

(5) Diagnosis - This skill is one of the most useful to you as an XP farmer as well as other survivors who like to stay alive and healthy in Malton. If you are a survivor that has never had diagnosis then you will understand how great it is to be able to determine who needs a healing as soon as you burst into the room. This will allow you to grab a lot of XP on your way between zombie killing zones as long as you keep a supply of FAK's on your person.

(6) Basic Firearms Training - If you didn't start with a class that had basic firearms training then now is a good time to get it. With firearms training you will actually be able to hit something with your shots. Shooting Zombies will get you XP at a faster rate then stabbing/chopping them and you will still have your melee weapon to finish off the biters should you run out of ammo.

(7) Pistol Training - The Pistol does half the damage of the shotgun and thus will gain you half the XP per shot however for every shotgun shell that you find in your searches you will only get one shotgun shot, when you find a pistol clip you will get 6 shots. This equates to a max of 30Xp for a pistol clip which takes one AP to find Vs 10XP for a shotgun shell which also takes 1 AP to find. Getting to be accurate with a pistol and keeping a good supply of ammo on you will allow you to clear out zombies that burst into your safehouse and still have the AP to rebuild your barricades.

(8) Shotgun Training - This will get your shotgun accuracy up to 50% which will allow you to carry a small amount of shotgun ammo and still have a good chance to hit a zombie with your shotgun. The shotgun is a great weapon when you are low on AP, there are a lot of hostiles around, or you want a boost of XP on the killing blow to a zombie. Using your pistol and melee weapons you can lower a zombies HP to 9 or lower and then hit it with a shotgun blast and get the full 10 XP for a shotgun hit as well as the 10 XP you get from a zombie kill. So you can gain a max of 9 extra XP if you can finish a zombie with 1 HP with a shotgun blast.

(9) Body Building - This skill will give you and extra 10 HP which will keep you alive for a few more zombie attacks. This skill is useful if you are defending a building from zombies who are breaking in. They will have to burn through more AP to kill you which leaves them vulnerable to yourself and other survivors when then run out. This makes it easy for you and your fellow survivors to kill and dump the zombie and it will help to keep that biter out of action for a little while longer. This can make a big difference in a zombie assault.

(10) NecroTech employment - Now that you have enough fighting skills to make you a dangerous zombie killer as well as skills that make you a better teamate, construction and diagnosis, you can further you XP gaining options and usefulness to the survivors as a whole by getting Necrotech abilities. This skill will allow you to use the DNA Extractor which nets you 4XP per extraction and it can be used an unlimited number of times. It will also add that zombie's coordinates to the Necro Net for other survivors with further Necrotech skills to see them on a map of the city.

  • After you have reached around level 10 you will have enough skills to be able to pick up skills that are more akin to what you feel you want to do in Malton. You could easily switch NecroTech Skills for Tagging which allows you to gain XP for tagging certain buildings with a spraycan or you could go for more advanced pistol and shotgun training. It all depends on what you like to do and what class you chose as to what are the best skills for you to get once you start becoming a mid-level survivor.

Skills for the young Supporting Survivor

  • If you are more the type that likes to keep other survivors alive, healed, and safe then this is a petter skill progression for you. This skill sequence attempts to forge you into a Doctor/NecroTech scientist able to get you XP in a timely manner as well as allow you to be a beloved life giver and healer among your fellow survivors:

(1) Freerun - Sticking a zed with a knife or sticking a zed with a NecroTech syringe, it doesn't matter. Malton is filled with buildings that you'll want to get into for supplies, safety, or both but can't unless you have freerun. AMC Victimization tells all of its new members to get freerun first, no matter what class or burb they are in. So unless you are a scout, get this skill on your first level up.

(2) Diagnosis - This skill is one of the most useful to you as an XP farmer as well as to other survivors who like to stay alive and healthy in Malton. If you didn't choose a character class that had this skill when you started then you are definitely going to want to add this skill next because it could be the most useful skill for aspiring support characters. Being able to see the health of all survivors once you get into a building allows you to take your backpack full of life giving FAK's and pour them all over any walking wounded inside as well as being able to easily see if any of those poor bastards that decided to pull a hobo and sleep outside need some medical attention.

(3) NecroTech Employment - This skill will allow you to use the DNA Extractor which nets you 4XP per extraction and it can be used an unlimited number of times. It will also add that zombie's coordinates to the Necro Net for other survivors with further Necrotech skills to see them on a map of the city. You will need to have this skill in order to get Lab Experience.

(4) Lab Experience - This skill is needed for you to be able to revive other zombies that have fallen into the ranks of pedes mortuus. This will allow you to make a large contribution to the anti-zombie cause as well as gain 10XP per revive. Just be careful of brainrotters.

(5) Construction - Constuction allows you to build barricades and if you want to stay a survivor and not hunger for the living then you are going to need barricades. Being able to build your own means not needing another survivor to supply you with a safehouse. Also if you carry a toolbox in your inventory then you will be able to repair ransacked buildings which is very handy in suburbs where the zombies are destroying potential safe sleeping areas. Other survivors also love having a safe place to rack out and early on the more friends you have the better.

(6) Hand to Hand Combat - Now that you have the skills to support the other survivors it is time for you to learn how to defend yourself. With hand to hand combat and your trusty knife or axe you will be able to defend a building that you are using as your MASH and also allow you to take out brainrotters that are lurking at revive points.

(7) Weapon Proficiency - Getting a mastery over one of the two best weapons in the game will make you a force against the zombie hoards as an offensive force as well as a vital supporting survivor. It also gives you the option of creating your own XP without the need to search for anything.

(8) Body Building - This skill will give you and extra 10 HP which will keep you alive for a few more zombie attacks. This skill is useful if you are defending a building from zombies who are breaking in. They will have to burn through more AP to kill you which leaves them vulnerable to yourself and other survivors when then run out. This makes it easy for you and your fellow survivors to kill and dump the zombie and it will help to keep that biter out of action for a little while longer. This can make a big difference in a zombie assault.

(9) Tagging - With this skill you will get you 1XP for tagging Mansions, Power Stations, Banks, and Schools. You will get 2 XP for tagging the exterior of Armories, Monuments, and Police Departments. It also makes your spray can last longer. This allows you another easy low risk way of gaining XP.

(10) Shopping - If you are near a mall then this is a skill you might want to have a little higher up on the list. It will allow you to decided what stores you want to search when you are in a mall instead of it being random. This will allow you to search for a lot of different items in the same place, saving you from wasting AP moving between buildings.

  • Once you get to about your 9th level up you should have a diverse enough skill set to allow you to focus on skills that better fit your play style. Shopping and Bargain Hunting for example can be purchased instead of Weapon Proficiency and Body building if you would rather avoid fighting the undead or you could forsake the item hunting skills in favor of learning to use firearms. The class you chose to start with and the suburb you are in will likely help to inform your decisions.

Instructions For New Members of AMC Victimization

  • After reading through this and all of the links that have been provided you should have a basic awareness of the game and it's features. There are many things that are not covered or linked in this such as revive points and other player groups for example. Search different topics on the wiki to learn more things about the game that you might want to know.
  • Once you have a character and are on the ground you will need to do the following:

(1) Look at the map in the upper left corner of your screen and get the name of the suburb that you are in, the name will be above the map.

(2) Get the name of the building/street you are in/outside.

(3) Click on your character name below the map which will take you to your profile page. Get your ID # from that page.

(4) Go to the AMC Victimization wiki discussion page and post this information on the ARN.

(5) Check the ARN for instructions from Mr. Victimization or another member of the team that will detail where you need to go and what you should do.

(6) All zombie kills as a member of AMC Victimization are to be reported to Mr. Victimization.

(7) If you get killed by a zombie, head to the nearest revive point in your area and/or post your location on the ARN for a member of the team to locate and revive you.

(8) Get freerun with your first level up if you didn't start as a scout.

(9) DNA Extract all zombies that you do not know as a contact and review their profiles. Do not revive known PKer's or career zombies. AMC Victimization follows the Random Revive Policy, to learn more about this check the main page of the AMC Victimization wiki

(10) DO NOT KILL ZOMBIES IN CEMETARIES! Unless you have extracted their DNA and know for a fact that they have brain rot. AMC Supports the Sacred Ground Policy so no harvesting XP by killing survivors that are waiting for a revive.

(11) Add all brain rotters that are in the revive point that you are working into your contacts list and inform other survivors that are woking the area of them. Kill them if you can.

(12) Do not waste ammo on large groups of zombies that are outside of buildings that are under seige. Go into the buildings and wait for them to break in to kill them. Making them use their AP is the only way to beat them. Many zombies can stand up with just one AP so killing them outside will only waste your ammo and AP and will not slow them down.